Post-Juneathon Party in the Park

It was suggested on Facebook that all us Juneathoners have a meet-up in London to celebrate all our hard work with some food and drink.

So, the date has been arranged for Saturday, 17 July.

Our sponsors Sean from Audiofuel and Adam from Fitness Footwear will be coming along and Adam will be handing over personally to this year’s Juneathon winner – Adele – her prize of VFFs.

We’ll be meeting around noon at the bandstand in Hyde Park, then there will be an optional run of around 5k, then meeting back up at around 1pm to have the prize-giving and a picnic (weather permitting). So, if you want to run, bring your running gear (I’m not running, so I can look after any bags) and if you want to eat and drink, bring food and wine/beer/Coca Cola/orange juice/water/whatever or if you just want to come along and hang out, that’s fine too.

Where: Bandstand, Hyde Park
When: Saturday, 17 July 2010
What time: 12 noon
What to bring: Running gear, food, wine, beer


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