Hard to think of titles, isn’t it?

Funny how I started off thinking in the first minute of running this evening that there’s no way I’m going to be able to run for four lots of five minutes then the last five minutes was a breeze! Probably because I start off going uphill (well a slight incline, anyway) so it’s more difficult. Have decided today that I’m going to do a 5k in June. Yeah, ok, it’s not exactly a marathon but it’s something and more exercise than sitting on my sofa eating crisps and watching Eastenders. Which reminds me, what am I doing tonight? Oh yes, sitting on my sofa eating pizza and watching Eastenders. I haven’t actually seen Eastenders yet this year, no point since they bumped off the only decent bit of male totty.

Kate says she’s going to do the 5k with me, so we can spur each other on when we start getting knackered and thinking that going to the pub is probably a better idea. Actually, going to the pub is always a better idea.

As I was running I noticed the appalling state of the pavement in the market, they’re so uneven, I could trip and injure myself and then sue them. Just as well I work in litigation, huh? Except they’re defence lawyers and they’d be acting against me, oh dear.

Speaking of work, I found out in the toilet this morning (which is how a professional law firm conducts its business these days) that today (instead of tomorrow) we were finding out which 5 of us are for the chop. Got an email at 10:20 telling me my redundancy meeting was at 10:30. Lot of notice, huh? Anyway, I was told “I’m pleased to tell you that you’re being offered a position in the company …” whatever that means. I thought I already had a position in the company? Oh well, looks like I don’t get to laze around for a bit watching daytime telly after all. I was convinced I was up for the chop, too. 3 of the 5 had opted for voluntary redundancy, so they’re happy. The 5th person to get the boot is still a mystery at the moment, so we’ve decided it’s either one of the girls on maternity leave or a girl who was off today.

Turned into a bit of a rambling post so here are the

Miles: 2.39
Calories burnt: 215
Music: Strokes (definitely good running music)

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