I’m back

I’m back on my schedule after a week off.  I was a bit poorly last week so decided to stay in and eat chocolate instead of going out running.  Everyone said that I’d have to do the 5 minute running schedule again but I did do the whole 8 minutes – woo!  And not only did I do the whole 8 minutes x 3 with 2 minutes walking in between but it was surprisingly effortless, I must be getting better at this!

I’m not sure if this blog’s working properly as my about page has managed to drop to the bottom of this page for some reason.  Ho hum.

Gary said he’s going to do the Tower of London jog with me on 10 May.  He reckons he doesn’t need any training.  Why am I the only person who thinks you can’t just get up off the sofa and go and run three miles without any training?  Weird.

Miles: 2.7
Calories burnt: 250
Music: Cribs


  • Your not alone there! I think it depends on how far a person is running! Tell your friend Gary he might injure himself i he doesnt train properly.
    i can run for about a minute…then i get breathless. i should work out more. but its easier to sit on your backside and do nothing!

  • Here, here twilightown…

    Just reading this blog is making me tired!

    Anyway good to see it’s working – I have been planning to go back to the gym properly since January. I was doing really well, until Christmas hit… must get back into it.

  • Gary is wrong, on Monday I thought i’d try running again. I ran for about an hour and did 5miles or so and 3 days on I still can’t walk properly.

    Thanks for the inspiration though.

  • i been lazy for the past 5 months , left the gym , no joggin , no nuthin , im now a sad git whos busy with college and work …
    i really think i should get back , i feel my body is shrinking & loosing weight and muscles , wish me good luck lol , i been fighting with my self to get back …

    no luck untill now =\ …

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