Feeble #2
A pretty feeblish effort today. Seemed I was too tired to run tonight, managed 2 lots of 8 minutes but wimped out on the last one and only did 5 minutes 30 seconds. My excuse is that there were people at the bus stop and I didn’t want to run past them as I’d already had some little kid take the piss out of me although he probably had good reason to. I’d have given him a slap but I think it’s still illegal to hit 7 year olds, isn’t it? Even if they deserve it. Damn shame.
Maybe I was feeble because I got stressed at work this afternoon. They want to give me more work but I don’t have time to do it and even if I did have time, I don’t want to do it. I like spending lots of time browsing the net and not doing work type things. I was going to speak to my boss about it but he was too drunk. He wasn’t capable of finding my desk but said he was capable of cycling 10 miles home. Aah, the rationale of a pissed up person is a wonderful thing.
There was almost a car crash this evening which was quite fun. Some idiot decided to overtake a bus. Duh, it’s a very busy road, with cars parked up on both sides of the road, why did he think nothing would be coming?
Got back to my road and there was a fire engine there. And you know what that means, don’t you? Yes, FIREMEN!!! Woo hoo! Oh yes, it means fires too but I didn’t see any of them. Yay for firemen.
Miles: 2.43
Calories burnt: 220
Music: Arctic Monkeys, Ash, Baby Teeth
Firemen: 3
Hi Shiny,
keep up the good work. As the evening’s get lighter I find it get’s easier. I normally wimp out and run at the gym in the warm.
What is it with U ladies and Firemen?
Keep on running (we know a song about that don’t we children).
Nic B)
BTW tanks for the link to my Blog. Much appreciated.
you should be cngratulated on just going out in the freezing cold. i dont know if its freezing where you live but in london it takes a lot of effrt to just step out the front door!!
Nic, it’s probably the same as men and nurses! I’ve got used to running in the dark now and don’t like going out in daylight when people can see me.
Twilightown, I live in London too but soon warm up after I start running. It takes effort stepping out the front door to go to work in the morning though.