Where’s the summer gone?

Grey and drizzly today so looks like the summer came and went last Thursday but it’s easier to run when it’s cooler and I did a surprisingly comfortable 3 miles, well, sort of comfortable. I’m not really sure what a comfortable run is. It didn’t kill me but it wasn’t a lying in bed watching telly kind of comfortable either.

My mum emailed me and offered to be my pacer on her new electric bike. Yeah, right, it’s difficult enough as it is for me to retain my air of cool sophistication without a pensioner cycling really slowly next to me on an electric bicycle. How can I break it to her gently? Maybe I’ll just say “no mother, you find it difficult enough to retain your air of cool sophistication without someone jogging really slowly next to you”.

She’s as bad as me with her gadgets (although she never knows how to use them and so I have to go round and help her) and speaking of gadgets, I came across this site. Ooh, I think I’m in heaven. It’s full of gadgets and it’s even called Shiny, how cool is that? I came across it when I was looking for reviews of my new camera that’s being delivered tomorrow. It’d better come tomorrow and it’d better not come while I’m still sleeping but I heard they’re a pretty good website so should be ok. Can’t be worse than Comet anyway. Those evil b*****ds made me wait in from 8am to 7pm and then didn’t even bother turning up although they assured me when I rang them at 6pm that it was definitely on its way. Do not ever use Comet unless you really hate yourself or want to miss part of your friend’s birthday bash. At least I stayed relatively sober that night as I got there late, which is more than can be said for Gary who disappeared in Soho for an hour then turned up at the club minus his jacket.

Didn’t see anything interesting today so I’m not sure what I’m going to be taking pictures of. There was a Polish sign in a shop though so I might post that and see if anyone knows what it says.

And why isn’t this blog working properly and hiding the buttons that does the html for you instead of making me handcode? (I’m actually embarrassed to say I almost couldn’t remember how to do a link, oops!)

Miles: 2.99 miles

Time: 32:35

Average pace: 10:54 minute/mile

Average speed: 5.5mph

Max speed: 8.6mph

Calories burnt: 261

Music: Strokes
Polish signs: 1


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