Stage 2
This is nothing about running at all although I did do the garden after I'd been out for a run so there's a tenuous link for you. Gary came to help with stage 2 of the garden. Here's a reminder of what it looked like before stage 1
Here's stage 1 which I did all by myself and got sunburnt in the process
And here's stage 2. Gary bagged up all the rubbish from stage 1 and I did all the digging. I hate bagging up rubbish so am very grateful to Gary for the help (he did get a free dinner for his hard work though).
I haven't a clue how to get rid of the weeds/grass growing through the cracks in the patio. Each year different weeds grow, this year I have evil industrial strength weeds so in my not very environmentally friendly way, I chucked a load of weedkiller over them. Hope that works. At least I can sort of see the patio now. This is what my garden looked like 3 years ago. Not a weed in sight!
Aah, hope I keep up the hard work and restore my garden back to looking reasonably respectable again!
You’ve stopped smoking. Now you’re cleaning up the garden. Soon you’ll be setting up a Dewey decimal filing system at home and creating multi-tiered to do lists. Do you find that taking up regular exercise has seeped into other parts of your life?
Hope the run goes well tonight 😛