The end is nigh

Ooh, tomorrow's the big day, my first race! Not that I'm racing it, just trying to complete it and as it's only 3.5 miles I should be ok. And you can still sponsor me if you want to and I promise not to spend all the money on beer and pizza, heh heh.

Gary's friend has challenged him to run it in 25 minutes which I pointed out today would mean 7 minute miling. He said "oops". I said I was surprised he hadn't already worked that out, what with him being a mathematician and that.

Anyway, have felt really crap all week and haven't been out for a run at all and it wasn't looking likely that I'd even make tomorrow but felt better today and went out for a few laps of the park. Wasn't too bad after I'd warmed up a bit, as initially I wanted to stop after half a lap of the park (about 2 minutes), and apart from the other people running in the opposite direction to me. I've worked out what it is. They go in the supermarket direction (i.e. anti-clockwise). I tend to avoid supermarkets (pizza menus were invented so people don't have to go through the horrors of the supermarket) so I go clockwise round the park. Although saying that, the big Tescos goes clockwise. Oh well, maybe my theory is wrong and I'm talking rubbish.

I shan't be updating my blog tomorrow night as I'll be in the pub. Ben pointed out today that there's a lot of pubs on the route tomorrow night and hopes I won't be distracted. Then he said maybe I can stop halfway at one and meet him there? Hmm, that's no way for a finely tuned athlete to behave.

Wish me luck then! This time next year, you'll be wishing me luck for my first half marathon, heh heh.

Miles: 1.68 miles
Time: 16:27
Average pace: 9:47 minute/mile
Average speed: 6.1mph
Max speed: 7.5mph
Calories burnt: 145
Music: Shuffle (Strokes, The Fall, Ash, Muse)


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