Not a rant
Have realised this page is full of me moaning, I’m not that miserable, honest 🙂
And it’s Friday, so yah!! And four of us are going out to play in Brighton tomorrow so double yah!!
And I didn’t ache after going to the gym for the first time in my life ever, so that makes me a finely tuned athlete I think 😉
And I’ve arranged for my bathroom to be done, has only taken four years to get round to doing it, watch this space for the obligatory before and after pics 🙂
Hope you’re having a good time in Brighton. Looking forward to seeing pics of your bathroom – hopefully it will give me some ideas for ours 😉
How did the play go? what did you see?… weather was good for the beach 😀
I had a great time in Brighton, except for the rollercoaster trying to kill me 🙁