B&Q bathroom installation – day 19

It occurs to me that the skirting board is going to need to be done before any decorating so I ring the installation centre at 10:30 and speak to Gary.  (Where’s Alan gone?  Has he abandoned me?)  I say to Gary that a tiler’s coming tomorrow and the decorator on Friday but there’s a bit of architrave that’s disappeared and the skirting board needs replacing.  Is the decorator going to do this?  He says you need a new architrave?  I say it was taken down when the room was stripped but a bit’s gone missing so needs replacing and there’s still a bit of skirting board that needs replacing.  He says has this been planned for?  I say yes, it’s on the works schedule.  He says he’ll phone the fitters.

I tell him I’m also still waiting for the end bath panel that I haven’t got.  I say I’ve asked twice before but I still haven’t got it.  He says is it the front or the end panel?  I say it’s the end.  I say I’ve got the long panel that goes on the side but no end panel.  He says he’ll chase it up for me.

I don’t know who this Gary person is.  I want Alan back to sort it out, or Jackie.  There’s too many people involved in this installation.  The Victorians never had all this nonsense, maybe I should just put a tin bath out in the garden and save myself a lot of hassle.

Actually, I think this Gary person may be on the ball because he rings me back ten minutes later and says that he’s spoken to the fitters about my skirting board and they’re going to sort it out for me.

He says about the end panel, there was never one ordered.  I say oh, that will be down to the designer then as I do need one.  He says yes, he’ll speak to the store and get one ordered and they’ll have to get someone out at a later date to fit it for me.  He says he’ll get the store to phone me and sort it out.

Will my bathroom ever be finished?


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