B&Q bathroom installation – day 27

I go to the store after work to pick up another piece of edging. I walk down the aisle thinking please, please, please, please, please be in stock and the positive thinking worked, hurrah, the colour I need is in stock. So I pick the right colour this time, pay for it and manage to get on the bus without snapping it. It arrives home in one piece, as does the bottle of wine I get on the way, yah!

All that’s stopping the bathroom being finished now (although I’m sure the fitters will think of something to delay it even more) is the end panel which I could get delivered on Monday if my boss hadn’t decided to be obstructive. Is he trying to get a job at B&Q or something? To be fair he has given me a lot of time off throughout this bathroom saga, but does he have to hold things up now at the very last stage? Aarrgghh!  Fingers crossed there’s a neighbour around on Monday to take delivery for me.

Oh well, Friday at last. And more importantly, beer o’clock at last, and a weekend without me having to go to B and bloody Q 🙂


  • “beer o’clock” im stealing that 🙂 and this weekend im going to make it my mission to get the phrase “B and bloody Q it” without any reference to d.i.y .

    Have a good weekend.

  • You’re welcome to steal it, everyone should have beer o’clock. To be perfectly accurate, beer o’clock is 5:00pm on Fridays (unfortunately I don’t get home ’til six but I didn’t make the rules).

    I will look forward to hearing how you got the phrase “B and bloody Q it” into a conversation 🙂

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