B&Q bathroom installation – day 44

Pete the installation manager rings at 10:15 and says he’s a bit early, can he come round now. I say that’s fine, I’m here. He turns up 30 seconds later and looks spookily like my cousin, although I’m pretty sure it’s not my cousin as I don’t suppose my cousin has swapped his job in IT for one that involves wearing a B&Q fleece. Plus he’s not called Pete. Pete takes a picture of the kitchen floor and says that I need to get a quote for a replacement floor and then they’ll refund me. He looks at the toilet lid and says it could be a soldering iron burn but he can’t see any soldering and that I need it replaced. He says is there any other work outstanding and I say no, just the ceiling light needs replacing because they said they can’t put spotlights in and I’m going to get a new light. He’s not interested in the slightest about my bathroom and can’t wait to get his form written up and to get out of there. Can’t blame him really, it’s the last day before Xmas and he probably wants to finish up asap and get to the pub. He says he can action everything now but nothing will happen until the new year as it’s just not a good time of year, next week’s going to be manic.

I am not unduly concerned by this as I’m not at work until 3 January now and I don’t want to spend my break making cups of tea for tossers from B&Q and today is my birthday and in two and a half hours I’m going to be in a pub drinking Belgian beer and then we’re going for pizza, yah!! 🙂


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