A lie-in

After drinking on Thursday night for the first time in a month, I’m still not quite recovered and didn’t get up ’til lunchtime so no running for me today. Oops. I did dream I was in a race though so maybe that counts as training? I will have to run tomorrow as I have two races at the end of the month and need to do some training but I’m going out for a meal with Lorraine tonight and will try not to drink although we are going out in Leytonstone which is the home of the alcoholic and where everyone drinks until they die of alcohol abuse. And Lorraine did have cirrhosis of the liver a few years ago but that didn’t get her and now she has lung cancer and only a one in ten chance of living for another year so she guilt tripped me on the phone and said you have to come out, I might only have a few months left and I’d like to see you before it’s too late. I’ve known Lorraine for 20 years, it’ll be really weird when she’s not around anymore.


  • What kind of races are you running in?

    I’m in Memphis this morning and will be off to tokyo in a few hours. I am going to try to run among a crowd of people downtown tokyo, should be interesting.

    I will have some Sake in your honor.

    Can anyone else get on Phils(sorelimbs) blog?

  • They’re 5 mile races, one in a park not too far away and one in a park in Central London.

    Phil/Sore Limbs seems to have disappeared, I wish he’d come back, I miss his blog but hope he’s ok 🙁

    Have a good time in Tokyo, will you be taking some pics?

  • Some things are just too hard to contemplate.

  • Well done on the high mileage 🙂 and the 2 races coming up – always good to get you motivated.

    Sorry to hear about your friend – cancer sucks! Hope you have a great time out with her, when someone you care about gets a life threatening illness it makes you realise that you should live and enjoy your life as much as possible – have a pint for me.

    Yeah I miss Phil’s insults – if your reading this big boy hope your keeping well mate.

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