Juneathon Eve

It’s the eve of the Juneathon and, like joggerblogger, I kick started it with a 3 miler.  I had hoped to get round the three mile route of the marshes in 30 minutes, but once again that 30 minutes eluded me.  Waa.  I will have to start running quicker.  I should have thought of that in the first place really.  Duh.

And while I was out wondering if the RfL on Sunday is going to be really bad with people walking, as XFR Bear says that unless I’m at the front, I’m not going to make much progress due to all the human traffic unless I kick them out of the way (ok, he didn’t say the kicking them out of the way bit), I’m still wondering which charity I should pick to raise money for when I do my half-marathon and thinking I shouldn’t really be doing the RfL as Cancer Research test on animals but I’m doing it relatively guilt-free as my £10 is only paying for the organisation bit and not the torturing animals bit and then I think duh, why don’t I raise money for a cancer charity that doesn’t test on animals.  Obvious really.

So, tomorrow is the start of the Juneathon.  Who else is in?

Miles: 3.06
Total time: 31:14
Average pace: 10:12
Total calories: 304
3 mile marshes routes in 30 minutes: 0
The Libertines – Up The Bracket
The Rolling Stones – Under My Thumb
Klaxons – Two Receivers
Kaiser Chiefs – Try Your Best
The Libertines – Time For Heroes
Arctic Monkeys – This House Is A Circus
Kaiser Chiefs – Thank You Very Much
Scissor Sisters – She’s My Man


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