Juneathon Day #18

For the first time this year I’ve managed to get on the body pump class, now that all the new year people have buggered off. So after a day of me wanting to kill my unreasonable tosser of a boss and hoping he hasn’t heard me mutter fucking prick under my breath for 99% of the day I try and remember where the gym where the class is held is and I eventually take the right turning and get there and I have half an hour before the class starts so I get on the treadmill and I’m thinking about my dream last night where someone broke into my house to attack me and I asked him if he could come back another day instead and he said ok and when I woke up I thought that’s pretty handy, I’ll have to remember that and it reminded me of my conversation with Gary when he said that it was really hard to strangle people and I said yes because you could just tickle them, and after 10 minutes on the treadmill I turn the speed up to 10 and then up to 11 for the last minute and then I get off and go on the bike for 12 minutes then go to the body pump class which I haven’t been to for over six months and the music’s better now and I think I’ll stick to the lightest weights as I remember not being able to move my arms or legs for about three days after the first time I went last year and so just about get through the class and stagger out of the gym and my arms and shoulders are stiff and I think oops, I don’t think I’ll be able to do the running commute I had tentatively planned for tomorrow. Ho hum.

Treadmill: 15 minutes
Speed: 9/10/11kph
Distance: 2.3k
Bike: 12 minutes
Class: Body Pump
Arms working properly: 0


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