The week that was

This is the week that saw me do absolutely fuck all and not wanting to face the world.  So I didn’t.  But Saturday mornings are for thinking what did I do this week and why is my house so untidy as my house being untidy isn’t a good sign and so Operation Get My Shit Together (Part 2) will have to begin.  Starting with getting out of the house for a run.  So I did.  Plus I was spurred on by the fact that I could wear my  Robin Hood t-shirt and as it mentions the full marathon people will clearly think I’m a finely tuned athlete and not think that I did the fun run that it also mentions.

I went up to the park and just as my Garmin kicked into action I could see a girl running on the path towards me and so I thought FUCKING BOLLOCKS and turned round and went in the other direction and there were a load of people on the path and so I thought I’d go up to the sports field and I as I get there I can see a couple of people up there and I stop and wonder if it’s going to be too annoying and I decide it probably won’t be that annoying as it’s only a couple of people and if I can’t even handle two people in a big fuck off field then I am in trouble and so I run round the field and I look at my Garmin and it says 6 minutes and I think 6 minutes? fuck, it feels like 6 hours and I feel like stopping but I think I can’t stop at 6 minutes and I carry on but a few minutes later I do stop and I walk to the end of the field and get back onto the street and I think surely I can run the rest of the way home and so I start to run again but after about six feet I stop and turn off my Garmin and go home to continue with Operation Get My Shit Together (Part 2).

Distance: 1.19 miles
Time: 13:56
Pace: 11:40
Calories: 107
The Cure
Sex Pistols
Primal Scream
Hard Fi


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