Cows and christians
My schedule has me down for 6 miles before Friday, as last week started on Friday and I was under instructions not to take any photos and I promise myself that I won’t take any photos but I have to take the N95 because I found out from Warriorwoman that there’s a new version of the Sports Tracks software and a rather nifty website to upload all your stats to, so what’s a geek girl to do, but to run off and get the software and test out the new website. Cool.
I get outside the house and there’s a dead rat and I instinctively go to get my camera out of my pocket but remember the no photo rule and think no one’s going to want to see a photo of a dead rat anyway and I go and sit on the wall while my Garmin and my N95 pick up a satellite. Last time I took my N95 out for its GPS purposes instead of its photo emergency purpose or phone for help in an emergency purpose, it didn’t seem to keep a signal in my pocket but this time I just think fuck it, I’m not holding it, it can go in my pocket and I’ll see if it can keep up, I have the Garmin for back up anyway.
I get to my favourite bridge and I think I’m going to turn left and see if the cows have been moved down there because I’ve never been down there but it only brings me back to the first bridge and so I turn back round and head off towards the new strange building and on the other side of the marshes I SEE THE COWS. Yah. But they’re on the other side and too far away for me to take a picture but obviously I am still adhering to the no photo rule and I wonder if the no photo rule applies to cows and I decide it probably does and even maybe especially does and I think bollocks, I won’t be coming back that way either but never mind and I get further along and there’s a sign that tells me what the new building is. And this is definitely a photo emergency so I take a picture.
It’s definitely not a roast potato factory. It’s a Christian centre which is obviously what we need built in the middle of a fucking nature reserve. But it’s going after 9 January 2008, hurrah. And I don’t need a roast potato factory anyway as I took the plunge and made roast potatoes on Christmas Day for the first time ever and very nice they were too. I am a potato goddess.
I drag myself round Hackney Marshes and I see the cutest puppy in the world ever, made even more cute by the fact he’s wearing a bandana round his neck and it reminds me of my old cat Stupid who had a bandana round her neck and looked very cute too and I wonder how accommodating my current cat would be if I tried to put a bandana round her neck and I decide she would probably try to kill me.
I eventually get home after the slowest 10k in the world ever and the N95 has managed to keep its signal even from my pocket and I upload the stats to the website which I’m not going to link to here as people can zoom right in but here’s a screenshot.
And it even grasses you up for taking pictures by putting a little camera icon on the map where you took a picture. Cool.
Stats (from the Garmin):
Distance: 6.67 miles
Time: 1:17:28
Pace: 11:37
Calories: 627
Cows: 6
Christian centres: 1
Puppies with bandanas: 1
Manic Street Preachers
The Gossip
The Young Knives
The Specials
Baby Teeth
The Polyphonic Spree
Faith No More
Transvision Vamp
Baby Bird
Citizen Fish
Cool a Christian centre what will they be doing there?
Well done on the run, I like the photos, but that’s because I prefer pictures to words 😉
You could take one of you trying to put the bandana on your cat.
Seems to be a day for dead things, on my little pootle that involved a jog to the sales and the allotment, I had to take a shot of an eviscerated liver that had been left slap bang in front of my shed. That was geotagged and zapped up to the new sports tracker site too.
Ah good old KICC – it used to be in Hackney until they had to let it go for the Olympics! Their NYE events are supposed to be amazing but I’ve never been inclined to go as there are literally thousands of people and I won’t know anyone! Although, slightly considering going this year… hhhmm
I’m Christian (and proud!) – haha