The slowest running commute in the world ever
My last run was two weeks ago and even that was a feeble effort, merely being one of my half-hearted attempts at a running commute, which usually consists of a lot of walking. Hmm, sort of like tonight’s one then. But that Buckeye thing over on the right keeps telling me I’ve got a half marathon to train for so I pack my running gear in an attempt to redeem myself for being a slacker the last two weeks but in my defence I was forced to go out and celebrate the end of Veganthon on Friday which didn’t bode well for a Saturday morning run, especially as a trip into town to look for walking boots that aren’t too hideous was called for (a failed trip, they’re all hideous), as well as having to get ready to go out for dinner round Tracey’s. And going round Tracey’s for dinner and getting through the best part of two bottles of wine didn’t bode well for a Sunday morning run, although I did manage to wobble my way through three miles on a bike and this weekend’s not going to be much better, what with me attempting to go to Cornwall again although this time by road instead of air although I think I may be tipped out of the window if I insist on playing my music selection all the way on my new 160gb iPod which at the last count has 12,632 songs on it which equates to 36.5 days’ worth of music. Yippee.
Distance: 6.33 miles
Time: 1:30:41
Pace: 14:20
Calories: 438
Graham Coxon
Rolling Stones
Modest Mouse
The Smiths
Stereo Total
I was just popping round to harass you for not blogging and therefore probably not running but I see you managed to sneak one in.
And what’s this about riding bikes? I hope you stuck to the roads and weren’t tempted by the relative safety of any pavements.
Oh man! i love walking boots i think they look great. There are some minging ones though. Just don’t get yellow ones.
Ooh, I like yellow, I’d have got yellow ones if I’d seen yellow.
And it’s only cyclist commuters I hate, not cyclists in general. Just the ones that ride on the pavement or go through red lights. If they’re that scared, they should get the tube.
LOL, I only remarked to the Red Rocketat the weekend that walking boot design doesn’t seem to have evolved since I last bought a pair about 15 years ago. His new ones are practically identical to mine. He looked at me as if I was demented. You clearly understand what I meant. 🙂
Hang on…cycles and pavements. I’m saying nothing. Not even commenting. Nope. Not me. Wouldn’t dream of stirring up a nest of hornets. No, no, no, no, no.
This is the last time I’m ever going to mention cycling. In fact, I’m never going on a bike again. See what you’ve done now?
Oh no, look what you’ve done!! I was hoping she would become one of us cyclist commuters….
well done on getting back into it. you still have enough time to train before the half 🙂
Hi ya! 🙂
12,632 – that is impressive. How many are part of the core collection you can’t do without?
HK, about 3.