I woke up nice and warm and comfy in my bed and thought I have to get up and go for a run, I’ll do six miles today, then I got up and looked out of the spare room window and it looked like this
and so I thought .. na, sod it.
Distance: 0 miles
Thoughts of na, sod it: 1
Oh yes!
me too! LOL
I’m glad I’m not the only one…
hi cathy, just stumbled across your blog via a few others…been on the tinternet instead of going for a run and your blog has made me laugh out loud! i will be popping back, mainly just to see how you’re getting on without facebook 😉
Hi Kate, thanks and welcome to my blog!
Um, Facebook… er, I sort of accidentally re-activated my account after 24 hours of cold turkey. Yes, I’m pathetic.