Competition results: And the winners are…

After an overwhelming response to my competition, mainly responded to by woodworm who came from a freeloaders’ forum (Adele was spot on when she commented on how many people come out of the woodwork when there’s something for nothing on offer), I have adjudicated and conferred and all the other important stuff one has to do when judging a competition, and my winners are:

1.  Mr Tom Roper.  For using the word peregrination which I had never heard before and so had to look up and then go and have a long Facebook status conversation about it.

2.  Miss Strumming, Running &  Drinking.  For taking the piss out of me and making Shaun laugh.

3.  Mr Sore Limbs.  Because the huge amount of email, Facebook messages, late night phone calls, bricks through the windows, aeroplanes trailing banners flying over my house, all containing the message GIVE ME THE BOOK is quite frankly getting a bit embarrassing. And I hate to see a grown man cry.

So, well done you three, email me your addresses and I’ll get the books sent out to you.


One comment

  • How wonderful. I’m deeply honoured, and will blog about this, just as soon as I have purged the pain of yesterday’s Eastbourne Half.
    Postal address on its way
    Thanks so much

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