Countdown to Juneathon III

The Joggerblogger is back and has come to take over his rightful place as Chief Juneathoner; visit his blog for the full rules and join the Juneathon Facebook group here.

As I sprained my ankle on my second outing in the countryside and haven’t run for over a week, and haven’t been to the gym for three weeks, I’m feeling like a fat, unfit bloater and I decide my ankle was feeling better and so thought I’d give it a try and I get outside and after half a mile the pavement disappears and a disabled man walks past and says hello and then an old man cyclist cycles past and says hello and he must be a proper cyclist as he’s wearing those dorky clothes that proper cyclists wear and then my biggest fear of the countryside happens, two cars are coming in opposite directions but I’m on a better bit of road which does actually have a proper verge, unlike the one where I fell over and hurt my ankle and after the cars have passed each other, I look behind me to check nothing else is coming and there’s a car about two inches away from me and I think oops and then I’m on a pavement again and I think hooray for pavements and I turn my iPod up and then I’m tired and I’m walking and I see come kids coming up the road and I wonder if they’re going to laugh at me and I wonder if I care and I decide I don’t really and I go past the library and remind myself to wear my glasses next time I go in there as I didn’t wear them when I went to join it and then I couldn’t borrow any books as I couldn’t see them and then I walk up the hill to go home and I’ve done a very very slow walk/run because I am a feeble lightweight.

Distance: 2.15 miles
Time: 25:40
Pace: 11:56 m/m
Calories: 190
Cyclists wearing dorky cyclist’s clothes: 1
Cars: 3
Glasses worn to the library: 0


  • Hoorah! Back out running! I think you need to make yourself VERY visible and look like you own the road, it’ll make you feel more confident. Let the driver negotiate you, not the other way round. I grew up in that kind of area and used to cycle a lot (when I was really little, which seems mad now) and the cars would go really, really fast, but always gave me just enough space. I wouldn’t feel too confident wearing headphones on that kind of road though…

  • I have my iPod on really quietly, so barely noticeable I can’t even remember what had been playing, hence the lack of music stats.

  • I’m looking forward to my first Juneathon, gonna whoop SL’s ass!

  • See you’re in Runners World this month – very cool!

  • Thanks Emma, that’s a polite way of putting I look like a shiny nosed muppet.

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