Juneathon 2009 Day 5 – An extended trip to the wine shop
I did wonder whether hoovering counted for Juneathon, after all, it is exercise I don’t usually do but somehow rashly promised to do the hoovering every Friday. Duh. But I decided that hoovering doesn’t count but after hoovering I would reward myself by going to the wine shop and so then I wondered if going to the wine shop counted and I decided it didn’t so I decided to go up the road and then back down to the wine shop on my bike and that would count. So I free my trusty little steed from it’s garage prison and go up the road and decide to carry on a bit further and then I think oh shit I forgot the lock and I wonder how likely it is that my bike will get stolen in the two minutes I’m going to be in the wine shop and then I think the wine shop is next to the bike shop and what if someone tries to buy my bike and the bike shop man lets them? and then I think well, I could go in and get the lock key, seeing as I’m going to be going past the house anyway but then I think I can’t be bothered with going back in and so I’m brave and cycle down to the wine shop and stand it up on its little stand and hope it doesn’t fall over so I look like a complete muppet in front of everyone (well, two) people in the wine shop but it doesn’t fall over and I get my wine and my bike hasn’t been stolen and I wheel it up the hill because I’m a wimp and go home, having legitimately completed Juneathon.
Stats (cycling)
Distance: 2.90 miles
Time: 21:57
Speed: 7.9mph
Calories: 89
Weight: 9st 5
Juneathon’s completed: 5/30
Pedal power 🙂
Please tell me – hoovering is vacuuming right? :0
I once forgot my bike lock and just wheeled the bike right into the store. Got some strange looks as I yelled out – i forgot my lock!