Can I have your attention please? Very important blog post!

It’s that time again, an award ceremony bigger than the Brits, Oscars, X Factor Finals and, um, other ceremonies that I can’t think of right now.

So, with no further ado and other clichés, here is the winning Juneathoner and runners up.  I asked Joggerblogger how many winners I could have and he said only one.  Bah.  It was a difficult decision but I finally made up my mind.

In first place we have …

Mr Eating Trees!  Not only did he stick rigorously to the Laws of Juneathon by running or exercising every day and blogging every day too, he also excelled himself by running and blogging whilst on holiday in Greece.  Hardcore.  Well done ET.  You can go home now.

But even though I’m only allowed one winner, I want to mention the special efforts of a few  others, call them runners up if you like but I prefer to think of them as The Special People.

In no particular order:

Highway Kind.  He only missed one day of exercise/running but he has, as always, been the most kind and supportive blogger amongst us, always there with his kind words of wisdom and support at the right time.  What a nice man.  Thank you HK.

Fit Artist.  She is supremely hardcore.  She fulfilled Juneathon by running every day; no wimping out for her by walking the dog and calling it Juneathon, oh no.  And not only did she run every day, she fitted it in around looking after two year old Hector and even left her own party at 10pm to run round the block dressed up in her dress and pearls. How cool is that?

And of course, I have to mention the lovely Joggerblogger.  Like a phoenix rising from the clichéd flames, he came back to us to take over his rightful place as Chief Juneathoner and also took running back up again after the doctors told him he couldn’t run again due to arthritis.  And not only that, he spiced things up a bit by coming back as a double act with his daughter, although personally I think playing the cute child card is a bit underhand.   But still, where would we be without JB?  Well done, JB and JB Jnr.

Strumming, Running & Drinking.  Emma needs a special mention as Juneathon encouraged her to stop smoking and she hasn’t smoked since 2 June.  Well done.

Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out you think needs a special mention, you can berate me in the comments section.

Juneathon winners: 1
Juneathon Special People: 4 and a small one
Cute child cards played: 1
Clichés: at least 2


  • Congrats all 🙂 And Mr ET you’ll have to drop me your name and address (or at least the name you’d like on the trophy) so I can get one sorted for you.

    Thanks JB for all the hard work and getting us on the Juneathon tip – not long now until Juneathon 4 😉

  • A well-deserved and popular winner. Thanks for Juneathon, it was most enjoyable, even the hot bits

  • well done everyone!!!

  • Well done eatingtrees, good work indeed!

  • MoreToLifeThanWeight

    Well Done everyone, especially Eating Trees. I look forward to joining you all on the next challenge – hopefully!

  • Road Runner Rob

    Just ran into your website at random. I likes your sense of humour and your race reports. I am a 30 something male who quite smoking 3 years ago and now I run instead.

    Bookmarked your site – good luck in your up coming races!

  • Cool! Thank you very much for this.
    And it has been great reading all your blogs, seeing how you’ve been interpreting Juneathon and the effort that everyone has put in. I completely agree with JogBlog that there are loads of people who have excelled, I’ve discovered many new blogs that I shall be reading from now on and have really enjoyed the challenge. Well done to everyone for taking part.
    What shall we do next, then…?

  • Likewise RoadRunnerRob, I’ve just come across the Juneathon, awesome idea and I’m always in the need of some extra motivation. When’s the next challenge?

  • I think the next challenge is Juneathon 4, next year! Although there is a Julyathon push up thing happening which I won’t be doing as I’m too much of a weed.

  • Kate Papadoulsi

    Great Fun you have all been very inspirational.I only started running 6 weeks ago training for a 12km City to surf in Perth Australia I have completed my first 10km run today and am loving it.The Perth Marathon is tomorrow but I will leave that for th experts. Congrats to all.

  • You most certainly should check out the Julyathon “press up” / “push up” thing happening at I’m only on day 4, it’s not too late to start!!

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