On the first day of Juneathon, my true love said to me…
‘Happy Juneathon!’
And I said ‘nnrrggnn’ and went back to sleep.
Two and a half hours later, I got out of bed, ate some fruit (a satsuma and two plums), drank a cup of Liptons Pink Citrus tea and some summer fruit flavour squash, checked my emails and Twitter and Facebook updates, put the fact that my Open University End of Course Assessment had to be posted off this afternoon and the seven hundred word commentary hadn’t been written yet, got changed and went out for the first Juneathon since the last Juneathon which was, funnily enough, last June.
Not a lot happened really. A woman with a buggy stopped to get out of my way and then I saw two men with sticks and I don’t like seeing men with sticks but then I realised they were gardening implements and they were doing some kind of gardening thing and I wondered if they were from the council as we need the council to mow the verge outside the house and then there was a cyclist on the pavement and I thought to myself ‘bollocks am I moving out of your way, you can get on the road’ and he did indeed get on the road and when I got back to the house, I’d only done two point eight miles and I wanted to do three miles so I carried on up the road a bit and I saw the cows in the sheep field and the cows and the sheep were very close together, and I didn’t know sheep and cows did mix and match and I wondered what they were talking about and then I turned round and went home and wrote the commentary for my ECA and cycled in the rain to the Post Office where the careless and reckless and totally thoughtless man behind the counter ripped the envelope when he put it on the scales but luckily I had sealed it with sellotape for extra security so it should be ok and then as I was nearly home I got back on the pavement and there was a man cycling towards me, also on the pavement and the pavement’s very narrow and I wondered how we would get past each other and the man stopped and went over to the edge and then he fell in the ditch and he fell further and further and I thought oooooooooooops, I hope he’s ok and as I got up to the man in the ditch I said ‘are you ok’ and he said ‘yes’ and I think he was a bit embarrassed and I said ‘thank you for letting me pass you, anyway’ and I cycled the rest of the way home trying not to laugh.
Distance: 3.02 miles
Time: 32:52
Pace: 10:54 m/m
Women with buggies: 1
Men with gardening implements: 2
Cyclists on the pavement: 1
ECAs posted: 1
Men in Post Offices ripping envelopes: 1
Cyclists in ditches: 1
Fields with mix and match cows and sheep: 1
Juneathons completed: 1/30
Your blogs really make me smile , keep it up 🙂
Eek, watch out cyclists, here she comes!
I hope your OU course went well and good luck over the next month.
Oh and there is nothing more embarrassing than falling off your bike at low speed. It happened to me recently when because a screw had fallen out I could not get my cleat out of the pedal. You feel like an incompetent 5 year old
Hilarious. Juneathon is a great idea. I’m loving it.
Nice work – just done mine, sorry forgot to email the logo again – I’ll do it tomorrow 😀
Crikey I’ve missed your uber-sentences! The cows and sheep were most likely up to mischief.
Ha ha! Made me laugh too! And I’ve blogged, I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know.
Me again. Please have a look at this http://www.fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=37726 and post your thoughts on the thread. I understod that we had your full approval.
Hello John
As I said in my email to you yesterday, I have no desire to go to your forum and see people squabbling. My thoughts on this haven’t changed.
My thoughts that I think you’re cheeky nicking the name ‘Juneathon’ (as I posted on your forum thread last year) also haven’t changed.
And while I continue to ignore the thread on Fetch, I can pretend you haven’t nicked the name.
Until you come on here to remind me again, that is.
1 – I just don’t like the twitter sniping
2 – Last year you said “Cool, Juneathon is reaching the people”
I’ll shut up now
I’ve never mentioned Fetch on Twitter.
Of course it’s cool it’s reaching the people, but I don’t remember saying nick the name and do your own thing with it.
It’s getting very bitchy and childish on there now. I think we’re all best off out of it.