Take your spam away, I’m a vegetarian

Yesterday someone spammed my blog by leaving a comment about a new service for runners and cyclists with a link to a website and so I deleted it for being spam and emailed the person who posted it and said thank you for commenting on my blog but it’s spam and I’ve deleted it for being spam and she emailed me back but I was too much of a coward to open it in case she told me to fuck off or something but this morning I got up early and was feeling invincible after my raspberry and banana soya milk smoothie and so I opened the email and she hadn’t told me to fuck off but apologised for the ‘inconvenience’ (although I hadn’t actually felt inconvenienced, just mildly annoyed that my blog had been spammed) but that it wasn’t spam and I so emailed her back explaining exactly how it was spam and that anyway, her website wasn’t even live yet and only said ‘coming soon’ and containing a link to download a pdf information sheet and maybe she should wait until she’s got a live website before she starts spamming people and then after I’d finished telling off the spammer I got changed and went out for a run in the rain and I didn’t want to start off my usual way as I get fed up and tired after .75 of a mile when I go that way so I decide to cut that bit out and go down the path through the houses and through the path that goes behind the houses and then down the path through the fields and then down the hill back home and so that’s what I did.

Distance: 3.02 miles
Time: 33:08
Pace: 10:59 m/m
Calories: 310
Spammers: 1
Raspberry and banana soya milk smoothies: 1
Paths through houses: 1
Paths behind houses: 1
Paths through fields: 1
Downhills: 1

p.s. Don’t forget it’s the Post-Juneathon Party in the Park on Saturday (see previous blog post). All the cool people will be there. I’ll be there too.


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