Whoop whoop

When I was in the pub with Helen after our traumatic experience on Wednesday night, she said she was thinking about doing the Ashford 10k. I said ooh, that’s near me, aren’t there any 10ks in London? and she said no, not in the Spring and she wants to do one as part of her marathon training, and so I said come down for the Ashford 10k then, and I’ll do it too.

Today I was wondering if it was such a great idea to enter a 10k that is only three weeks away, seeing as my training’s not been up to much for about, um, 18 months, so I went out for a run to see what I could I do.

And I did 3.76 miles WITHOUT ANY WALKING BITS and yes, it was a pathetically slow 3.76 miles but it means that a 10k in three weeks is not completely impossible.


Distance: 3.76 miles
Time: 44:56
Pace: 11:58 m/m
Calories: 394
Ashford 10ks to enter: 1
Walking bits: 0


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