Competition: Win a copy of Born to Run by Christopher McDougall

christopher_mcdougall_born_to_runAfter saying to Tom that I’d look forward to his Juneathon sestina (after being promised one for Janathon, dum de dum…), Tom asked if I would make do with a limerick instead.

I said no.

But, it did inspire me to have a bit of fun before the hard work of Juneathon commences and hold a competition, so I’m giving away a copy of Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

I’m not much of a book reviewer (and it’s been a while since I read it) but it’s a book about a bloke who goes running with those Tarahumara dudes in Mexico. It’s a highly entertaining read and a brilliantly written book, as you can see from the glowing reviews on amazon.

To win a copy, all you have to do is write a limerick and post it below. The one I like the best, wins.

To start you off, here’s the first line:

There once was a runner in Kent

Off you go then!

Terms and conditions
Competition closes midnight Tuesday 31 May 2011
UK entrants only (unless you want to pay the postage)


  • I’ve never written a limerick before, but here goes! 🙂

    There once was a runner in Kent
    Whose leg was a little bit bent
    He went for a jog
    And fell in a bog
    And that was the end of that gent

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    And running she everyday went;
    It was never so far,
    Just to the first bar…
    She was the happiest runner in Kent!


  • Natalie Bowers

    There once was a runner from Kent
    Who gave up on jogging for Lent
    Instead she ate chocolate
    Until she was sick a lot
    And instead of a skirt bought a tent!

    But then this young runner from Kent
    She thought it was time to repent
    So she dug out her trainers
    And shocked all her neighbours
    Then came first in a racing event!

  • There once was a runner in Kent,
    and barefoot running she went.
    She stepped in some dog poo
    and a sharp piece of bamboo.
    Money on shoes is well-spent!

  • There once was a runner from Kent
    A lovely free book she was sent
    She said, “freebies, ta”
    Then went to a bar
    To ask for a free beer, she went

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    Who gave up his running for Lent
    But he lost his fine figure
    As he got ever bigger
    And when he started again his shorts rent!

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    Round Chatham and Margate she went
    Five miles past Dover
    She nearly keeled over
    And by Ashford was totally spent

    PS I’ve read the book and it’s terrific, but I like writing Limericks

  • Fat Girl Running

    There once was a runner from Kent
    Who decided to try to invent:
    She took running shoes,
    Added wings with strong glue.
    Flying shoes? Nah, all they did was ferment.


  • There once was a runner in Kent,
    Who’d just squat on the road when she ‘went’,
    “It may not look charmin’ ”
    She’d say, “but my Garmin
    Justifies all those pennies I’ve spent!”

  • There was once a runner in Kent,
    With an outfit not fit for a gent,
    It sparkled and shimmered,
    his once hidden regions glimmered,
    A run round the block turned into a dramatic event.

  • there once was a runner from kent
    who set off with the best of intent
    but she met with a farmer
    who she suspected would harm her
    so she buried him alive in cement

  • There once was a runner from Kent
    Who trained only on cement,
    When she went for a run on grass,
    She fell flat on her ample ****,
    So off to the hospital she went.

  • there once was a runner in Kent
    who decided to run non-stop to Gent
    what an idiot!

  • There once was a runner from Kent
    Whose time was frequently spent
    Pondering haiku
    Whilst riding her bike through
    Nice fields full of cows : Stop and take a photograph : First check their consent.

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    Wound up the staircase it went
    Made of blue nylon
    It had a deep pile on
    And a strange ’70’s scent.

  • There once was a runner from Kent
    Whose time was haphazardly spent
    racing miles through the town
    in a pink dressing gown
    turning heads in each street where he went.

  • There was once a runner from Kent
    Who wanted to win a present
    He picked up his Bic
    To write a Limerick
    Now he’s waiting for it to be sent

  • Just want to log my partners contributions as it’s the closest he’ll get to running so he is not a Juneathon member – but I quite like the limerick!

    There once was a runner from Kent
    who jogged in what looked like a tent
    When seen from afar
    he looked like a car
    and caused a big pile-up in Brent.

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    Whose intentions were well meant.
    Believing Lands End
    Was just round the bend
    Her fervour soon took a dent.

  • I got a bit carried away! I do like a silly rhyme. I hope multiple submissions are allowed.

    There was a runner in Kent
    Who tried a great new supplement
    When she tried to explain
    Her sudden weight gain
    She found that she’d begun to ferment.

    There was a runner in Kent
    Whose leg had some hideous dents
    She tried running laps
    To fill in the gaps
    But resorted, at last, to cement.

    For those who don’t like rude limericks, skip the next bit.

    There was a runner in Kent,
    Whose tights lacked suitable vents,
    She got a right sweaty bum
    When she went for a run
    And was pursued by unsuitable gents

  • There was a runner in Kent,
    Who now found her running days spent,
    No longer jogging,
    She spends her days blogging,
    But still gives one hundred percent!

  • There once was a runner from Kent
    Who was known to be quite flatulent
    In a race he’d sprint off at the start
    Propelled forward by the force of his fart
    Which all agreed had an odious scent

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    who when faced with a daunting ascent
    recalled days he’d been inclined
    to decline an incline
    and wished that they’d been better spent

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    Who always ran at 100 percent
    So when juneathon came
    and local adventures abstained
    He thought “I could win this event!”

  • There once was a runner in Kent
    Whose youth was very much mispent
    So he joined a running club
    So he could run to the pub
    Now he’s fitter but has a new scent!

  • There was once a runner from Kent,
    Her application for juneathon sent,
    She started her blogging,
    But forgot about the jogging,
    In fact she forgot what it meant!

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