Killing calves

Don’t worry, I’m still vegetarian, even if the house is not very vegetarian-friendly at the mo due to Shaun’s three day meat festival (I’m out three nights in a row this week so he’s unloaded Tesco of their meat aisle, by the looks of the fridge).

Although Helen made me drink beer for about eight hours yesterday in Tonbridge (I think we made it to all the pubs in the High Street; we won’t be going back to the one that charged £4.90 a pint though), I did Juneathon today by doing my little .75 lap and my legs still haven’t recovered from Sunday’s hilly 10k, as my calves were very painful at the end.


Distance: 0.76 miles
Time: 7:57
Pace: 10:28
Calories: 80
Hours spent in pubs yesterday: 8
Pubs visited in Tonbridge High Street: all of them
Meat festivals: 1
Killing calves: 2


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