Walking as a workout?

I don’t post surveys on my blog very often (in fact, I don’t think I’ve posted one before), but I’d really appreciate it if you could take a minute or two to answer the questions below (copy and paste them into the comments field, with your answers).



  1. What would motivate you to walk more often?
  2. Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
  3. What stops you from going to the gym?
  4. What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
  5. How can walking be more social?


  • What would motivate you to walk more often? Better weather!

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? Yes. I try to walk 3-5k each day.

    What stops you from going to the gym? Finance and time. I quit the gym in January.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? Mainly weather, although fitting in with my shift pattern can also be a struggle.

    How can walking be more social? I tend to walk now with my fiance. Larger groups can be awkward, as people struggle to hear or feel obliged to keep up (or slow down.) I prefer to walk at a fast pace (barely shot of jogging) so smaller groups or solo suits me.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often? I GOT A DOG – HE HAS TO GO OUT SO NO EXCUSES EVEN WHEN IT’S TIPPING DOWN WITH RAIN
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? NOT HAVING THE DOG – IF HUBBY’S ALREADY WALKED HIM I WOULDN’T THINK “OH I’LL GO FOR A WALK”

  • 1. What would motivate you to walk more often?
    I walk a lot already to and from the station, to and from the supermarket (unless I have a lot to carry) because I really begrudge paying for a journey less than a couple of miles unless necessary!

    2. Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes. 5 minutes here and there might not be, but if you go for a 5/6 mile walk, then that is certainly exercise!

    3. What stops you from going to the gym?
    It’s boring, expensive, I hate it and I would rather go outside and do something.

    4. What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Maybe living alongside a busy main road; l I don’t really enjoy breathing in fumes! Or a broken leg.

    5. How can walking be more social?
    Go for a walk with someone. A long walk. Then go to the pub for a rewarding beer.

  • Hi Cathy,

    1) What would motivate you to walk more often?

    I’ve been walking a bit more lately, with two main motivations:
    (i) it’s useful training for ultras, as the uphills in these are frequently walked
    (ii) it’s handy for recce’ing trails, as I’m running much more off-road.

    2) Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?

    Definitely — I’ve read widely that it works different muscles, and there’s a marathon trainer who swears by run/walk — check out http://www.jeffgalloway.com

    3) What stops you from going to the gym?

    Because it’s inside, sterile, joyless, pointless…. need I go on? ;D

    4) What would prevent you from walking as a workout?

    Time. It obviously takes much longer to cover the same distance as running…

    5) How can walking be more social?

    Clubs/associations? LDWA / Ramblers. Am going for a bit of a trek (Cuillin Ridge) with a climbing club in May — lots of opportunities like that.

    Hope this helps — get back to me if you need me to expand!


    Jules (@jules_lewis)

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?

    I do walk quite a lot. We don’t own a car, so we are always creative with our methods of transport. I don’t really walk for leisure/fitness, I would either run or get on my bike for that.

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?

    Yes, definitely! If I’m walking on my own I often break a sweat and you can feel your heart pumping; I think it’s a great form of exercise for many people. My parents go for daily walks to keep fit and get out in the fresh air.

    What stops you from going to the gym?

    The cost! I’d love to be able to afford gym membership, I do know that I enjoy it a lot and have reached good levels of fitness from going in the past.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?

    I suppose I would be very tempted to break into a run!

    How can walking be more social?

    I think it is in many waysy – I say hello to people I meet on walks and often chat to other walkers/bird-watchers/dog walkers etc. I know lots of fellow mums who walk a lot each day, between parks, to school/nursery and so on and this is often done in a group and is a very social event.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    I think if I was physically unable to run or cycle but still able to walk, then I might be motivated to walk more often

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Not really no, unless you include walking up multiple flights of steps. I do think walking can be a good antidote to stress or depression though

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    When at home, I would have to get in the car and drive 5 or 6 miles to get to my nearest gym – so if I have time & motivation I prefer to go for a run straight from my doorstep

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    It’s not something that produces a sense of satisfaction or endorphin-rush in the way that more vigorous exercise does. Once you’ve done the walks close to home you either have to drive to a start-point or pretty much repeat the same few miles over and over

    How can walking be more social?
    I think the current trend of hunting for hidden caches is a good motivator and gives a more social dimension to the outing. I also think walking #to# somewhere rather than just walking for its own sake helps – whether it’s to a pub or a cafe or to go and see a particular view. Things that turn the walk a bit more into an experience that can be shared, either at the time or in discussion afterwards.

  • Hi Cathy,

    1. Most of my walking is with my wife and baby son. I would be more motivated to walk more frequently if I could find an infant-carrying backpack with a comprehensive raincover. I have to consider the viability, duration and routes of my walks dependent on weather, in respect of whether I have to take a buggy (with rain guard) or not.

    2. I believe absolutely that walking can be a good work out. It can be done solo or socially, requires minimal specialised equipment or skill development, and is accessible to all from home, or a place of work. Particularly for the majority of lower-activity people, walking can be sustained for sufficent duration, and should present much less risk of injury than many higher intensity alternatives.

    3. Going to the gym holds no appeal to me, either as a recreation, or as a means to an end. I’m confident that I can maintain a very high level of overall physical fitness without going to a gym.

    4. Walking would form part of the training I would do for a long ultra-marathon run, typically as a single long walk session (6-12 hours), or as part of a run/walk session (3-9 hours). Aside of these sessions, I’m generally able to exercise at a higher intensity than walking provides whilst remaining injury free. If I’m unwell (with a cold or similar), then walking becomes the staple feature of my exercise.

    5. Walking can be more social simply by including people. Whether it’s an impromptu stroll with a dog (and the conversations that natural arrive), a regular exercise walk with friends, or joining a walking group for organised events.

    Cheers – GV

  • 1. What would motivate you to walk more often?
    I already walk a lot because I don’t have a car and rely on my feet to get my around.
    2. Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes, as long as you put some effort into it.
    3. What stops you from going to the gym?
    I run and swim and don’t feel I need to go to the gym.
    4. What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    I prefer to run.
    5. How can walking be more social?
    Go with a group, hyking or mums with pushchairs. Or say hello to everyone you pass on the way!

  • 1. My dog suffering less with arthritis 🙁
    2. Yes, depending on intensity, I guess. But that’s not why I do it. Fresh air and lots of space make me happy.
    3. Cost and monotony (in my perception).
    4. The thought that it’s a workout 🙂 Workout sounds like hard work. I need exercise to be fun… and happen without me realising that I exercise 😉
    5. Walking catch-ups with friends – rather than sitting on backsides at the pub…

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Getting a dog! I’m working on this one!

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes, for people who don’t want / can’t run, as part of increasing running mileage or maintaining running fitness when ill or injurred.
    I encourage my fairly fit 70 something year old mother to maintain her fitness by walking at a reasonable pace for min30 mins 3 times a week!

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    Boredom and its not very sociable. I also prefer being outside.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    I’m impatient so if I’m on my own I would probably perfer to run and now I’m fairly fit find running is better to get a good workout.

    How can walking be more social?
    Tend to walk when its social already – an actiity with friends and sometimes get the kids geocaching.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    If I lived in a more rural area I’d be more inclined to walk as a day to day thing and to see the countryside change as the seasons progress. As I live in the city the only motivation would be a tube strike!

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Despite the above comment, yes I do. As a base for stamina and fitness it’s certainly a good tool. And over longer distances increasing the frequency of run/walk phases helps increase endurance without risking injury.

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    Price, mainly. And the thought that everyone’s watching me. I hate being watched.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Injury and the thought that it isn’t as efficient as other exercises. By that I mean the time it takes to walk and gain benefit (say 4 miles, one hour) is “worse” than 4 miles in 40 minutes as a run, or the ability to cover 7 miles in the same time. And when it’s cold, you really feel it!

    How can walking be more social?
    Do it with more people and include it as a seperate activity! I’m planning a long walk this summer with a small group. I wouldn’t consider this with any other exercise!

  • Hello Cathy,

    What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Sadly I walk when I need to, not because I want to. Thinking about when the weather was bad with snow and ice and nothing to do at home I did enjoy the walks around the village. Being that I am a “new runner” I am concentrating on that for the time being.

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    I have never thought of walking at being a workout, if you was to walk a large distance and or for a long period of time then yes walking could be seen as a workout. Also this will all depend on the Individual and who they have,

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    Cost and enthusiasm (lack of) Also I have no wish to bulk up with weights and why run on a machine why there is fields and roads for free.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Walking is not enough of a workout, also at the moment im looking to loss weight and feel running would be more beneficial.

    How can walking be more social?
    Not sure if there is such a thing already but 1st thing to mind is a walking club. walking with others and if you were in a large town or city someone to guild a group to locations of interest.

    Good day

  • Questions:

    What would motivate you to walk more often?
    I walk quite often anyway with the dog

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    So long as you walk at a decent pace and build a bit of a sweat up….yes!

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    Lack of motivation, I find the gym quite boring, certainly hate running on the treadmill prefer to be outdoors. However, if I am just doing body conditioning i.e. weights, sit-ups etc then the gym is perfect as they have all the equipment I need.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Nothing I just think you need to walk fast not at a social pace!

    How can walking be more social?
    Hmmmmm! In a group, walking at a sociable pace so you can chat.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    More time. I hike every Sunday regardless of the weather with a hiking group (usually Saturday & Sunday in the summer) as it is, but if I didn’t work I would be out more often.

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Absolutely. Anything that gets you moving is good, and walking is a cheap, low impact workout that everyone can do. Walking is a good entry level exercise for people who are overweight or not used to working out.

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    Very little. I go 3 times a week. Sometimes life events or muscular tiredness/injury mean I decide not to go, but this is rare.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Same things as would stop me from going to the gym.

    How can walking be more social?
    Usually out walking for several hours (between 4 to 6) at the weekend so this is a great opportunity for a chat, particularly if you are with a walking group, as it is a great way to make friends and meet new people.

    I would recommend that anyone should use the Ramblers Association Walks Finder and get out on a walk with their local walking group. I walk with a 20s and 30s group, and it is really good fun. I’ve made lots of friends and we regularly go on hostel weekends. Walking with this group led to me starting running, and helps to keep me fit and well.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often? BETTER WEATHER
    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? DEFINITELY
    What stops you from going to the gym? WALKING IS MORE SOCIAL AND GETS ME SOME FRESH AIR
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? COLD AND RAIN
    How can walking be more social? I NEVER WALK ALONE AND I NEVER STOP TALKING WHEN I WALK!

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Get a dog-that needed walking.
    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    yes-but you have to walk fast and long
    What stops you from going to the gym?
    money-too expensive.not sure if I would use it enough to justify it. Am uusually a gym member-just not here in Nairobi.
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Nothing-bit lonely for a long walk-rather run and get it done with
    How can walking be more social?
    go with friends… i used to be in a routine of walks in another country i lived it-that makes it much more enjoyable

  • Questions:

    What would motivate you to walk more often? Time and weather

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? If its fast enough and long enough
    What stops you from going to the gym? I have the gym equipment at home..so i can do quick session whenever I want to, and use the gym for swimming and tennis… and they’re at least 3 times a week
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? the time needed to have a really good walk + weather
    How can walking be more social? I guess tagging along with a group, but then it tends to be organised, and I dont want an organised walk..I want to go where and when I decide to.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often? Nothing – I already walk 1 milke or more twice a day.
    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? Yes
    What stops you from going to the gym? Other gym members looking down their noses
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? Pain in feet and knees
    How can walking be more social? Join a rambling group. People you bump into on walks are almost always friendly anyway.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Getting a dog has motivated me already. I think I would walk her further during the week if there was somewhere nicer to walk as we go out to the countryside at the weekend but just walk around the city suburbs where we live after work.

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes, but only very brisk walking.

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    High costs. Too many people to get on the machines etc. plus I don’t really enjoy exercising indoors.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Nothing would prevent me from doing that, but I wouldn’t like to do it as my sole workout because I’m used to much higher impact exercises and don’t think it would compare adequately as a way of keeping fit and burning calories.

    How can walking be more social?
    Walking groups, like running clubs. Also, walking has become more social since getting a dog, people are much more likely to talk to each other!

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Good routes to walk especially in London
    Having a dog!

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes definitely though probably would have to be used alongside other things

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    Too many smelly people and overcrowding

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Bit boring – used to running
    Choice of other options to go for that are more effectively e.g. running!

    How can walking be more social?
    Walking clubs
    Good, well signposted routes

  • What would motivate you to walk more often? Having more time and being able to fit it into my routine as a useful, functional part of the day.
    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? I believe it, but don’t think I’d get the same effects as from running
    What stops you from going to the gym? Time, preferring to run outside, laziness at the end of the day.
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? The time it would take in comparison to running and the feeling that I would get more benefits from and be more motivated to run (I can put up with the dark and dull routes because it’s over and done with fairly quickly – I couldn’t see myself getting up at half 5 for a 3 mile walk just for the sake of it).
    How can walking be more social? Organised walking groups, finding like-minded friends

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Getting a dog.

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Definitely I do, you just have to walk for longer as its distance that counts.

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    The expense, the tedium and the inconvenience.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    I don’t get the same buzz as I do from running so it just doesn’t feel like a good workout.

    How can walking be more social?
    Weekend walks with friends and a pub thrown in.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often? Better pavements – I often trip over paving slabs, or have to jump into a bush to avoid a boy racer if I’m walking the country lanes.
    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? Definately, but it needs to be at a brisk pace for at 40 minutes for me to actually feel like it’s a workout.
    What stops you from going to the gym? Hm, other than my own laziness, the fact that I have to listen to crap piped muzak. But that’s about it. I manage to drag myself there at least once or twice a week.
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? Walking doesn’t give me the ‘high’ I would get from a more strenuous workout i.e.running, circuit training etc
    How can walking be more social? I think in the UK its more about time. We work such long hours and for 6 months of the year for most of us it’s already dark when we get home and not always safe to go out walking so that only leaves the weekends.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    More time, less crime.
    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    What stops you from going to the gym?
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Too used to running, would not have the same buzz.
    How can walking be more social?
    Walking clubs, Walking to a social destination like a pub.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    A dog! I walk quite a lot anyway I’m a postman

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yup! Especially if you actually walk rather than just wandering along!

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    Lazyness. But I still manage to force myself there about 3 times a week.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Only the fact I prefer a higher impact session. I like to hit the seaside on my rest days and have a good walk. Active recovery don’t you know!!
    How can walking be more social?
    Take more people with you. Or go rambling!

  • 1.What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Willpower. Entering a most-miles-walked type competition. If it seemed like an accomplishment, rather than a mere nuisance.
    2.Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    I suppose so. It burns calories after all and any activity is better than none. If you’re not pushing yourself though, I wouldn’t imagine it would be a very effective workout.
    3.What stops you from going to the gym?
    It costs money. So does mortgage. Mortgage wins. Plus the last time I went to gym I only really used it for the treadmills, which I don’t need anymore.
    4.What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    It takes longer to take anywhere than running does. Plus I see walking as a necessary evil to get from A to B. It’s sooooo slow compared to running.
    5.How can walking be more social?
    Going with friends and talking while you walk. Stopping off at a pub or cafe at the end of the walk to chat. Organising a mass walk.

  • 1. What would motivate you to walk more often? – A companion of some sort, a friend, my husband, a dog.
    2. Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? – Yes, if the pace is kept up and done regularly.
    3. What stops you from going to the gym? – Too pricey and I don’t have the time to faff with it. I am a runner for several reasons, one of which is the convenience of it. Trainers on – out the door, job done.
    4. What would prevent you from walking as a workout? – Injury & bad weather. (I’ll run in bad weather, but wouldn’t walk.)
    5. How can walking be more social? – Just like running clubs there could be walking clubs perhaps.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    More sensible shoes and a capacious hat to stop my hair frizzing.

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes, as long as you keep up a good pace and go a good distance

    What stops you from going to the gym?
    It’s too expensive, it’s too crowded and it’s too boring

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Time. You’d need to commit to an hour a good few times a week.

    How can walking be more social?
    By taking a dog or a pram so people have something to stop and talk to you about. Better routes – the canal route in Edinburgh is amazing.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often?
    keep me healthy

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    What stops you from going to the gym?
    not enough money
    What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    nothing but I prefer do alone I can do better… I think
    How can walking be more social?

    running club

    good survey:)

  • 1What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Better weather and also some way of improving safety of women walking alone.

    2Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes – adaptable for all states of physical fitness and ability – just walk faster or further.

    3What stops you from going to the gym?
    It’s indoors on a beautiful day. Price. Lack of interesting scenery – a forest or hill top beats a sweaty bloke in too tight shorts any day!

    4What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Weather, needs of baby daughter, time

    5How can walking be more social?
    Walking with friends, setting up local groups

    What was the outcome of your survey btw? Interested to know!


  • walking is essential. count every step as of walking as part of your workout.

  • What would motivate you to walk more often? Going to the Alps, or some other mountain region. I was a Munro-bagger so quite enjoyed walking. But it became boring after I discovered running so finished up running most of the last Munros.

    Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout? Yes, of course, but only when I’m unfit to run – which might be sooner than I anticipate being only weeks away from my 80th birthday!

    What stops you from going to the gym? They’re nasty sweaty places that blast out horrible music. What’s more, you have to pay through the nose for the privilege. Give me fresh air and the great outdoors.

    What would prevent you from walking as a workout? Injury, bad weather, or simply being in a place where I’d rather run.

    How can walking be more social? A few days ago I took part in an event organised by the Long Distance Walkers Association and found myself rubbing shoulders with some very friendly people indeed. Actually, socializing took place AFTER the event because I RAN it.

  • the running habit

    1. What would motivate you to walk more often?
    Sunshine! walking needs to be 10% outdoors and definitely its the weather that would hold me back.

    2. Do you believe that walking can actually be a workout?
    Yes. if you make it brisk enough. I am quite a fast walker and you can feel 30 minutes at a decent pace. People who turn up at the gym for a stroll in front of the telly, though. I don’t think they’re getting a workout there though.

    3. What stops you from going to the gym?
    No membership right now, but when I did. it was timing. I could only go post work and was often too (mentally) tired

    4. What would prevent you from walking as a workout?
    Time (and bad weather as above). I regularly fit in a 30 minute walk at lunchtime but that alone is not enough for me. If I didn’t n I’d probably need to walk an hour+ per day to get an equivalent amount of exercise. Just don’t have that sort of time.

    5. How can walking be more social?
    There are bound to be local groups of ramblers, and hill walkers but I have yet to see any equivalent of local running clubs but for walking…

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