Viceathon update (and photo of lambs)
As this stupid challenge was (sort of) my idea in the first place, I suppose I’d better write an update to let you know how I’m getting along.
Hmm, well, um, er… I haven’t been in credit yet this month. This has been a month of debt. I almost caught up last week and was only two Viceathon units in debt, which I had planned to erase on Friday at the gym. But then on Thursday night I decided to have a bottle of wine, so that caused the double effect of a) getting me further into debt; and b) me not being arsed to go to the gym on Friday.
Then it was the weekend. I was feeling wiped out on Saturday (wiped out enough for me to cancel a much-looked-forward-to night of absinthe and pesto with my fellow first-class and soon-to-be-published poet Lisa) so didn’t do any exercise (although I did manage to drag myself across the road to the pub later on in the evening). On Sunday, I decided I wanted to find some lambs and so Shaun and I went on a bike ride to find some.
After 8 miles, Shaun decided he was too cold to go any further and I didn’t want to cycle on my own so that was 4 Viceathon units knocked off the total. More wine-drinking took place on Sunday night and so my total debt at the mo is 17 Viceathon units.
So, that’s 255 minutes in the gym, or 34 miles cycled, or 17 miles ran (or a mixture of the three) just to break even.
I have definitely not been in credit but I’ve not yet hit the double figures either. I’m sure that you’ll get it down.
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