Juneathon Status = Approved (officially this time)
I never go to the gym in the afternoon, unless it’s on my way back from uni but today I had some work to do for uni (yes, even though the year is over but my tutor is putting together a collection of our work and I needed to edit mine) and so I thought I would go to the gym after lunch and I was all motivated and everything and even had an early lunch so it had time to go down and stuff and packed my gym bag all ready for me, but then WHAT THE FUCK? it started seriously tipping it down and hasn’t stopped since and so I decided to go on the rowing machine here instead and so that’s what I did and so at least I haven’t just sat here all day watching Party Poker TV (not that I usually do, I’m not really into gambling, except for the quiz machine in the pub that I keep winning on but quizzes aren’t gambling, are they?)
Gyms gone to: 0
Rowing machines went on: 1
Gambling done: zero
Foo Fighters
PJ Harvey