The JogBlog 3G Mantra™

It was back to school today (for those of you who don’t know, I’m in my second year of a creative and professional writing degree). And it was an all-day day (at least in student terms) which meant I wouldn’t be able to go for my usual run-before-getting-dressed-in-normal-clothes thing. But, I hadn’t forgotten my pledge to do an afternoon run and today was to be that day.

I was all geared up for it. My playwriting seminar was supposed to finish at 2, which meant I’d be home at 3 and so I’d planned to go out for a run at 3 but then the seminar didn’t finish until 2:30 and so that meant I wouldn’t be home until 3:30 which meant that I wouldn’t be running at 3 as planned which unsettled my poor little brain which likes plans not to go awry.

So, as I was cycling home, I wondered how I could get out of going for a run. Then I realised that I couldn’t really get out of it and when I saw someone running down the dreary dual-carriageway in the rain, I thought, well, if he can do it, so can I.

But, as we all know, there are pitfalls and dangers in the house to keep you inside instead of going out running and so I said to myself, when I get in, I will not touch the computer, there will be no email checking, no Facebook checking, no Twitter checking, no emptying my books out of my rucksack, no feeding the cat (sorry looey), no nothing, just


and, lo! it worked. I got in, I got changed (using the fortnightflo method of getting changed while pretending not to notice you’re getting changed) and I put my Garmin on and did my 1.5 mile route and, sssh, don’t tell anyone, but I actually enjoyed it.

So there you are, the JogBlog 3G Mantra.

And that’s my first week of Janathon done. How’s your first week been?


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