Janathon Day 19 – a parkrun PW, one day later


As mentioned yesterday, as I got up too late to make it to my local parkrun, I promised to do the parkrun distance on the treadmill instead. Unfortunately this plan was scuppered because all three treadmills were being used, so I parkrunned on the cross-trainer instead. So, today, I decided to cycle to the park and do my own parkrun there. Then I decided to ask iliketocount if he wanted to come with me. He originally said no, he had to wash the car, so I started mumbling about how he never wants to spend any time with me so he relented and said he’d drive down there.

When we got to the park, I remembered I don’t like running with people. Although, iliketocount hasn’t really grasped the concept of ‘with’ as he spent most of the time ten feet ahead of me, only turning round occasionally to tell me to stop walking.

I didn’t stop walking though and it’s probably a good thing I didn’t do parkrun on Saturday as, when we got in, iliketocount looked up Saturday’s results and said if I’d done it at today’s speed, I’d have come last.

Oops. 4/10. Must try harder.


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