ActiPatch Knee Wrap – Science, or Sooty’s Magic Wand?

A while back, ActiPatch sent me one of their knee wraps to try out. This was timely as, since building up my cycling mileage, I’d developed a bit of a niggle which meant each time I cycled, my knee hurt. As soon as I got off the bike though, it stopped hurting; it also didn’t hurt while walking, running or at the gym, so I didn’t get round to trying out the wrap.


On Saturday though, I went out for a run and my knee began to hurt. Uh oh, I thought – this doesn’t bode well for the Pilgrims Hospice Cycle Challenge tomorrow, so when I got home I put on the ActiPatch to see if it helped.

Yesterday, I completed the 55 mile hilly ride without a single twinge. Yep, not a single bit of pain, even when I concentrated really hard to feel something. I don’t know what’s in the Actipatch (well, I do actually – it’s electromagnetic pulse therapy) but it’s flipping magic. Maybe Sooty’s in there with his  magic wand. Or maybe not. Maybe it’s some scientific technical thingy. But we’ll pretend it’s Sooty, eh?


The ActiPatch has an on/off button and apparently lasts for 720 hours. It consists of a wrap and a cable thingy and it doesn’t matter which way on the wrap goes as all the magic bit happens inside the area the cable is surrounding. The instructions say to keep it on for a minimum of 8 hours a day and it can also be worn at night but I only had it on for about five hours. I also had it on over leggings, so the magical powers can get through clothing. It’s safe and drug free and can be worn by diabetics, arthritics, the elderly and bedridden. The ActiPatch is available from Amazon (and other places such as Boots, etc.) for £19.99.


  • Mrs Mandy Bartlam

    My name is Mandy and today my mom went to boots and brought me the actipatch knee 720 hours one and and once i put it on i started to fee the pain in the top part of my knee and at the back part of my knee where i have my arthritis in the back part of my left knee . I finding it is easing the pain in my knee already and its true what people have said that you don’t know you have got it on . I am very pleased with it as i am also under a knee specialist at cannock hospital and i also have had two gel injections and they only lasted a couple of months and then i am back to square 1 again , so i asked my knee specialist if i could try it and my mom kindly has brought me one from boots . I am so happy with it but if it is going to ease the pain i have been suffering just over a year and i can walk better and sleep better as i was waking up with pain .

  • Kathryn Bradbury

    Got a free sample of actipatch a couple of weeks ago. My knee has been hurting for about two months. I thought it might be with swimming regularly and changed my breast stroke to crawl, to no avail! Last Saturday, a non swimming day, I was in agony with the pain, so decided to try the actipatch. OMG it was amazing. The pain went in about 10 minutes, and I have worn the patch since. Today I went to Boots and bought the Knee Pain actipatch to use when my 7 day one runs out, tomorrow. I can’t recommend this contraption enough. Thank you

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