Janathon 2015 – Entries Are Open For Janathon’s 5th Birthday!

Janathon 2015

Yeah, Janathon is 5 – where did that time go? As it’s the fifth birthday, it’d be great if as many of you as possible would sign up and make it the best one yet. Remember, you don’t have to blog every day – microblogging is fine, so if you’re feeling a bit typed out, just tweet (#janathon) or post on the Janathon Facebook page what you’ve been up to exercise-wise (you can post what else you’ve been up to, too, if you like, we’re all friends here).

With the help of Deputy Helen, we’re hoping to get some fabulous prizes lined up to give away in a draw open to all participants. So far we’ve got fitness writer Julia Buckley’s bestselling book The Fat Burn Revolution  to give away and I’m going to be adding prizes to the website as they’re confirmed, so keep checking to see what’s up for grabs.

Not one to get my priorities muddled, I’ve set the date for the post-Janathon meet up. As in previous years, it’ll be held in the Holborn branch of Strada. More information on the Janathon website – I hope you can make it.

So, have you signed up yet? Remember, slacking is not an option. Enter Janathon 2015 here.

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