The JogBlog guide to keeping warm in winter

Obviously, the best way to keep warm is to stay in bed, but if you’re hardcore like me, and do venture out into the early morning frost, then you’re going to need something more than a skimpy pair of Speedos.

Today, I put on my new Canterbury base layer.


It’s thick, warm and comfy as well as having that technical stuff that wicks the sweat away. It’s also skin-tight and therefore prone to riding up (as I found out when I sat down to put my socks on) but, hurrah for the Hippsy!

What’s a Hippsy? A Hippsy is an elasticated piece of cotton, similar to a boob-tube in appearance but you wear it round your waist to protect you from the cold when your top rides up, exposing bits you don’t want to expose. 


It’s ideal if you need an extra layer of warmth but don’t want to bulk up with too many clothes.

hippsyMy Canterbury base layer, long tights, Hippsy and touchscreen gloves were all I needed in this morning’s minus-whatever weather to keep me warm.