Janathon 2013 – go on, you know you want to!

Yee ha, entries for Janathon 2013 are now open!

For those of you who haven’t a clue what a Janathon is, it’s a yearly challenge held in – unsurprisingly – January. Taking part is simple – all you have to do is run and blog every day. If you don’t want to run every day, you can do some other form of exercise, it’s up to you (although if you want to be among the truly hardcore, you’ll need to run every day).

It’s a great way to get fit, make new friends, get new readers to your blog and gain more Twitter followers (if you’re fussed about that kind of thing), so go and sign up now at the Janathon website.

Oh, and there’s a post-Janathon party at the end in London, too, where we eat pasta and pizza and drink lots of beer. Why else do you think I continue with this madness?