Janathon Day 8 – body pump is great

Just a quick blog today, as I MUST get on with my university assignment that’s due the day after tomorrow, which I haven’t started yet (I must admit I was relieved yesterday when I went in and found out I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t started it yet).

So, today’s Janathon activity was my body pump DVD. I used my Scosche Rhythm armband heart rate monitor again, but this time with the Rhythm app, which tends to be more accurate than the MyTrek app (or maybe it’s the monitor that’s more accurate, not the app, I’m not an expert on these things).


Janathon 2014–Day 1 with the lurgy

Well, I wasn’t going to do a dressing gown dash in that weather, was I? In fact, because I’ve still got a cold, despite having the feeling a walk in the fresh air would do me the world of good, I had no intentions of leaving the house today. Especially when I remembered there’s a rowing machine in the conservatory. Janathon Day 1 = sorted.

I’m not sure my pulse monitor and app were being particularly accurate today; it reckoned my heart rate went up to 235bpm with an average of 172bpm and I burnt off 188 calories in 10 minutes. I’d spend all day on the thing if it really did burn that many calories in 10 minutes.

mytrek 009

HelsBels has set a Janathon challenge of planking in your pyjamas and posting photographic evidence. Running From The Zombies has already done this and posted it on Twitter and I’ll do it if I remember later but, in the meantime, get your pyjamas on, get planking and photographic proofing!