Juneathon FAQ

What is it?

It’s a month of exercise. Running, cycling, walking, rowing, weights, whatever. Just do something every day in June.

Then what?

Then blog about it on your blog, on Twitter, or on the Facebook page.


Because you’re a fat lardy bloater and you need some exercise. Because it’s fun.

Who’s idea was this in the first place?

Joggerblogger is the man to blame.

How long has it been going?

This will be the fourth year.

Who else is doing it?

So far, the roll call is as follows:

Phil – http://www.sorelimbs.co.uk/
Andy – http://andystriblog.blogspot.com/
Travelling Hopefully – http://www.travellinghopefully.wordpress.com/
Ash – http://run-bootsy-run.blogspot.com/
Caspar – http://www.uneducatedguess.org/ @caspararemi
Sheri – http://runningawayfromthegrownups.blogspot.com/ @sheri3004
Tom Roper – http://www.roper.org.uk/marathon2005/
Iliketocount – http://iliketocount.wordpress.com
Adele – http://fitartist.wordpress.com @adeleprince
Jo – http://irunbecauseilovefood.wordpress.com
Run DMT – http://deniseisrundmt.com @denisermt
Gene – http://www.genesoboleski.blogspot.com @boutdrz
Hauling my Carcass – http://www.haulingmycarcass.com @haulingmycarcas
Eating Trees – http://eatingtrees.wordpress.com/
Sam – http://www.runningandthinking.blogspot.com
Adele – http://fitartist.wordpress.com/
Shunning Running – http://shunningrunning.wordpress.com/
Breandán – http://www.aroundtheyearin24pints.blogspot.com/
Emma – http://emmavinyard.blogspot.com/
Pete – http://peteschallenge.wordpress.com/
Trying to Run – http://www.tryingtorun.co.uk/
The Red Bucket – http://www.theredbucket.co.uk/jogblog/
Ev – http://seasidestrider.blogspot.com/
Joggerblogger – http://joggerblogger.wordpress.com/
Highway Kind – http://runningmatters.blogspot.com/
Jay McNeill – http://bigmanruns.wordpress.com/
Carl & Claire – http://carlsjogblog.wordpress.com/

How do I join in?

Post a comment here and say ‘I’m in’ or something.

How do I win?

Juneathon was originally meant to be a month of running, so if you’re the only person to run and blog every day, then you’ll be the winner. If there’s more than one person who runs and blogs every day, then one of those will be the winner. If no one runs and blogs every day, then someone else will win. Yes, I just made that up.

What do I win?

Last year Eating Trees won a little monkey. This year I haven’t a f**king clue it’s a surprise.

Where’s the new logo?

Coming soon. Be patient.


  • I’m in – might actually do more than 13 days this year… but at least I’ve got a goal.

  • Pingback: Juneathon…………again! | Sorelimbs - A Runners Blog

  • I agree with Sam nice to have a goal.

  • I’d have finished my course by 1 June, so will have all the time in the world to blog and run.

    Obviously, whether I do either of those two things remains to be seen.

  • I’m really looking forward to this… I know I’ll fail hard though. But hopefully all this extra training will aid me with my 5k in July 😀

    Good luck everyone!

  • Oh god I’m getting excited! How sad am I? I do hope my toenail stays on so I can run…

  • I’m in. Apologies if this arrives twice… Tried to comment on previous post, but didn’t seem to work.

  • I’m in. Great idea and the prospect of winning something like a little monkey really motivates me.

  • Pingback: My First Juneathon | Trying to Run

  • Go on, I’m in. Will try and do better this year!

  • Don’t forget me!

  • Big thanks for sorting this out 🙂 I’ll try and bike-a-day seeing as I’m not fit for running.

  • I’m up for this year as well. I love the way this is now an annual festival of activity and excuses

  • I’d like to offer a prize that’s better than a monkey! I’ve sent you an email.

  • I’m in. Lets see how much I can do.
    Good luck guys

  • Pingback: Juneathon 2010 logo and prize unveiled! | JogBlog running blog

  • I’m being a bit picky but competitive – the rules of the Juneathon are not right, it’s either you do any form of exercise or it’s just running. It’s not very fair that somebody could do everyday but because someone else is meeting the original rules then they win. I know it’s for fun but it just niggles me! 🙂

    Still in though!

  • You do have a point, but in the early days of the first Juneathon, I said to Joggerblogger that I couldn’t run every day, for fear of injury. So we agreed that primarily it was a ‘run every day thing’ but for us mere mortals, any exercise will do.

    Hmm, I don’t know. I’d like to keep the winner as being the most hardcore (did you see Adele’s blog post last year, where she left her party to run round the block?) but I agree that running every day isn’t possible for everyone, and therefore they have no chance of winning.

    But, then again, it’s not about the winning. It’s a ‘festival of activity and excuses’ to quote our wonderful Mr Highway Kind.

    And also remember that, along with the winner, I also have a ‘special mention’ list of my favourites (i.e. the people that don’t moan about the flipping rules…).

  • Fair enough but .. oh never mind won’t moan again!

  • Noooo, go on, what were you going to say? It’s not just my Juneathon, it’s everyone’s. We can all make the rules.

  • Fits in quite nicely as I have first half marathon on 4 July. So by that time I should either be mega-fit, or have died of exhaustion.

  • Yay I’m in, my bike’s in, my legs are in and so Charlie’s in by default ha ha!!!!

  • I’m groaning at the mere prospect of keeping up with the reading in order to do the judging – guess it’ll keep my leg rested for a few hours a day! From Phil’s determination to fuck it up again to Breandan’s new-to-the-torture enthusiasm, it’s shaping up to be something excellent!

  • Yep I’m in again this year, on the facebook page. Fingers crossed work doesn’t blow up again and ruin everything like last year!

  • I’m in!

  • Miriam of Filly Runner

    I’m in too!

  • Pingback: Juneathon Training | Sorelimbs - A Runners Blog

  • Posted on other thread – doh!!

    But I’m in http://www.redsushi.co.uk

  • For some reason, my “I’m in” from yesterday didn’t show up. So, if it’s not too late, I’m in. I joined the facebook group. Thanks and good luck to everyone!

  • Just wondering, is there a law that the blog HAS to be done on the same day as the run? If I run in the evening and blog it the next morning, do I get thrown out of Juneathon in disgrace?

Please leave me a comment - I love comments!