One pathetic and weedy mile

I got up bright and early at 7:20 and thought I’ll do the six miles today, if I’m out by 8:30 I’ll be back by 10 and then I sat down in front of my computer and lurked on various forums and read various blogs and I’m thinking ooh it’s getting late, I’d better get a move on and it got to 9:30 and I thought well I’ll just go out for half an hour and I went to the bedroom to get changed and I saw my bed and accidentally got in it instead of getting changed into my running gear and I’m lying there not sleeping and thinking about the hot chocolate and veggie bacon and egg sandwich I usually have when I come back from my Saturday morning run and how I always go out for a run on a Saturday morning except for when I was in Frankfurt and the Saturday after the infamous Friday night which involved too much wine and a trip to hospital. And I’m thinking I can’t have a veggie bacon and egg sandwich unless I go out for a run and I’ll just go out for two miles and then I’m thinking about what to make for my lunches next week and I decide on egg and veggie sausage salad and then I’m thinking what to have for dinner tonight as I need to use up the frozen processed crap in the freezer before embarking on my low carb diet which as well as involving a lack of pasta it also involves no alcohol for two weeks and I’m thinking there’s half a tin of spaghetti in the fridge and can you have tinned spaghetti with veggie toad in the hole? And I’m thinking there’s no reason why not but probably best not to have gravy with it too and then I hear my computer go ding ding which heralds the ending of Lost being burned to CD and I think well that’s tonight’s entertainment sorted then.

My cat who has been sleeping on the bed since I made my return to it gets up at 10:30 and I’m thinking well if even the cat has got up I should get up too and then I realise that I am completely devoid of energy and ten minutes later the cat has obviously thought being awake wasn’t such a good idea after all and gets back on the bed and then it gets near to 11:00 and I’m thinking just go out for 10 minutes, surely I can manage that and anyway it’s illegal to be in bed past 11:00 and I get up and think some music might energise me so I look to see if there’s a CD in the stereo in the bathroom and what a surprise, it’s Bobby Conn, and by the time the Conn man has finished singing King For A Day I’ve changed into my running kit and I take my iTrip downstairs and turn on my iPod and the first track up is Cardiacs’ “Manhoo” and if anyone can energise me it’s Cardiacs so I take my Garmin outside and bloody hell, it’s lovely and warm and sunny and I remember I still need to plant the rocket, basil, spinach, lettuce, sunflower and chili seeds I bought a few weeks ago and so I look in the compost bag to see if it’s ok after being out there for a year but I can’t see in it, I can only see a snail and a transparent slug type thing and I’m hoping there’s no dead mice in there and I ignore the spinach, radish and spring onions that I planted last year that are still out there having been ignored and not eaten and say to myself that this year I will eat what I’ve grown.

And by the time I’ve stopped thinking about growing my own vegetables but not eating them my Garmin has got a signal and I eventually get out of the door at 11:20, only four hours since I first got up and I go to the park and there’s another jogger there and as I’m about to pass her for the second time I take a detour through the middle of the park so we end up going the same way and after a couple of laps I decide I’ve had enough and go home but at least I got out there even if it was only for one pathetic and weedy mile.

Today’s route

Miles: 1.16
Total time: 11:34
Average pace: 10:00 minute/mile
Total calories: 107
Hours wasted: 4
Guillemots – Made Up Lovesong
Hot Chip – And I Was A Boy From School
Ween – Push The Little Daisies


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