Pizzathon no. 4

I haven’t blogged for ages because I haven’t done anything for ages, except sit outside pubs getting insulted by drunk men with no teeth who tell me I should be at home cleaning chickens although that was only once and not an everyday occurrence thankfully because although it was very funny at the time I can see it getting a bit tedious if it did happen every day but I did go to the gym last Thursday and I’m going to the gym tomorrow and in the meantime I made this pizza.

Since I discovered Sainsburys Pizza Base Mix is very very very nice indeed, I have become addicted to making homemade pizza. This creation consists of spinach, feta, capers, olives, red chili, cheddar, veggie parmesan and yes, that is an egg on the top. It was very nice although not as nice as the one Bear made last week which I’m not happy about because I really can’t have him out-domestic-godessing me. But that just means I’ll have to put in some more pizza making practice. Life’s a bitch sometimes.

Exercise: 0
Pizza: 1


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