On the 10th day of Juneathon, I did the Crisis Square Mile Run
Yes, I’m late with this. I’m also late with days 11, 12, 13 and 14, so this is going to be short.
Crisis Square Mile Run 2010 highlights:
- Meeting Fit Artist for the first time
- Meeting up with Eating Trees for the second time
- A little girl running alongside me for a little while
- My fastest mile in a race, ever (I think)
- Beer
- Pizza
- More beer
- Stupid girl barging me on the bridge at the finish
- Missing Fit Artist at the finish line
- Having to leave the pub to get the train home
Distance: 4.47 miles
Time: 45:29
Pace: 10:11 m/m
I got barged a bit on the bridge too, it was stupidly narrow though. My answer was to leg it past the stupid girl and beat her.