Near enough a Janathon fail
I had big plans to be a hardcore double-Janathoner today. I was going to go to the gym in the morning, then to a running club in the evening but when I went to get dressed, I felt really bleurgh, so I thought I’d see how I felt after lunch but after lunch I felt even more bleurgh so cancelled going to the running club but then thought I should at least do a short bike ride and so I got on my bike but after 0.22 miles, felt sick and cold and so turned round and came back.
Ho hum.
Stats (cycling)
Distance: 0.43 miles
Time: 3:28
Speed: 7.5mph
Hardcore Janathoners: 0
Hope you feel better v soon.
Poor thing! Less than two weeks to go…
They all count…. “Hardcore janathoners do it daily” should be the site motto….
Couldn’t agree more. There’s no minimum distance and 0.22miles when you’re feeling bleurgh is equivalent to oooo 10miles when you’re feeling wonderful.
i agree with the others – getting out is getting out – would count for me – mark it down as a pass
Get well soon – 0.44 miles at the speed of bleurgh is an epic by any reckoning!
it was hardcore to get on your bike when feeling bad.
I hope you feel better soon
Oh no! Hope you feel better soon.
It’s more hardcore to go out when you really don’t feel up to it than to run/exercise twice a day when you feel good.
Better then my 0.5 of a Km when I felt poorly sick!