A fox, some owls and a windmill

I said to Shaun that if he ran in daylight then I’d go with him on the bike and so he did run in daylight and I went with him and I saw a fox but Shaun didn’t, even though the fox crossed his path and we went past the owl sanctuary and in the distance we could see the windmill and that was about it really and sorry this blog post is a bit shit but I want to go and watch  Come Dine With Me and you could read the one below instead if you haven’t already as it’s a bit better.

Stats (cycling)
Distance: 6.14 miles
Time: 48:40
Speed: 7.6mph
Calories: 209
Foxes: 1
Owl sanctuaries: 1
Windmills: 1
Come Dine With Mes: 1


  • I had a meeting with a lady last week who I recognised immediately from Come Dine with Me. Made it very hard to concentrate on what she was saying. My colleague says this means I watch too much Come Dine with Me. Say it isn’t so, JogBlog?

  • A-ha-ha-ha! I like that, referring the reader to a previous post for a more entertaining read, excellent! I have a fox that keeps crossing my path, I feel like high-fiving him now.

  • How lovely to see a fox, did you see owls as well? My most exciting wildlife spotting has been lots and lots and lots of cats . . .

  • I didn’t see any owls and the sanctuary’s not open to the public either, so I just have to take their word for it that there are owls in there. I mostly see sheep. I would like to see some cows.

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