
As much as I love my little pink iPod Shuffle, when the new iPod Nano came out with its screen, my first reaction was I WANT ONE. My second reaction, on seeing the price, was BAH.

Still, a few months later, after my fellow Janathon participants had a whip round for me and presented me with (amongst other things) an amazon gift voucher so big it made me cry with joy and gratitude*, I was able to buy the much coveted iPod Nano.



It arrived yesterday and while playing with it, found it had a pedometer on it. As much as I hate numbers, I love statistics and spent the afternoon seeing how many steps I made going downstairs and making hot chocolate (48) or going to the conservatory to get a packet of crisps (59). Great fun. It was a bit worrying by the end of the day though, when my grand total of movement was only 744 steps. The government recommendation is 10,000.


I made up for that today though by running 4.8 miles and by 3:30pm, I had racked up 10,004 steps and decided that meant I didn’t have to move for the rest of the day.


*I am aware I haven’t blogged about the post-Janathon 5k and lunch yet. Sorry. I will do it. Soon. Honest.

Distance: 4.82 miles
Time: 1:02:28
Pace: 12:58 m/m
Calories: 445
New iPod Nanos: 1
Pedometers: 1
Steps recorded so far today: 10,004


  • I’m glad you used the money for something as valuable as an iPod and didn’t squander it on wine and song and hiring a smart male escort with a car to bring you to my book launch.

    Actually, now I think about it, I’m not glad at all – I think you squandered the money on technological gimmicks when you could have invested it sensibly in wine, song and a smart male escort with a car …

  • Love the new gadget, and am totally with you on the whole ‘did I really only take 744 steps?’ thing. I think my laziest day ever, I clocked up a whopping 130ish steps (bed to sofa to bed).

  • I think 59 steps to get to the conservatory and back is quite cool. How many is it to the compost heap? And if it’s 1.83 miles to mow the lawn, how many steps is that exactly? I challenge you to find out when summer’s here!

  • So I need to run nearly 5 miles each day to rack up to the government guidelines!?

  • Have got gadget envy… deinitely want one of those now!

  • Now i gotta have it!!! Especially cause of that special feature “pedometer”. So that i can see how much i have lost while i am making hot chocolate!! LOL…

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