
In case I can’t be arsed to write a proper post later, I did a test run of .75 miles to see if I could be arsed to cycle 2.5 miles to the station, sit on a train for 1 hour 20 minutes, walk for about 30 minutes to the start of the Crisis Square Mile Run, run approximately 4 miles, drink beer and eat pizza, walk back to the train station, sit on a train for about 1 hour 20 minutes and then cycle back 2.5 miles.

The answer was no.

Except for the drink beer and eat pizza bit, but I can do that without leaving the house.

Distance: .73 miles
Time: 8.05
Pace: 11:08
Calories: 76
Energy levels: 0


  • Been getting around to blogs, finally get to yours & you offer me this? That’s it? ha ha ha 🙂

    I’m totally joking. I read a string of your recent posts, great fun… and I LOVE your “Recipes” & “Gadgets” tabs! I’ve a mind to soon select a gadget… a GPS arm device that will record stats & download… so your comments on the Forerunner are helpful. We’ll see.

    I can see your site will have lots of info. for me. Thanks for that!

    • My Recipes and Gadgets pages are very very very old and haven’t been updated in years. But, I do still have the same Garmin and wouldn’t be without it! (Well, I would like a newer one that’s smaller and doesn’t take up half my arm.)

  • I know EXACTLY how you feel!

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