The Garden Gallop

I was going to recreate last year’s Dressing Gown Dash but as I stayed out all night, I didn’t have my dressing gown on and so after a bit of tweeting with Travelling Hopefully (Tweeting with Cassie = being nagged by Cassie), said I’d go for a gallop round the garden, mostly because ‘garden gallop’ sounded cool.

I put on my clown shoes

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opened the back door and was greeted by this

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Yes, it was a bit dark and a bit wet and a bit minging but after going back upstairs and consulting on Twitter if sitting in a car for 16 miles was enough for Janathon and being told ‘NO’ (by fairweatherrunner), I had to go and do a run.

I was going to do a proper Miranda style gallop – you know, the bit where she says “Running -  wrong unless professionally or as a child.  As an adult you should only run if you’re near a train station and look at your watch first. And you certainly can’t gallop like kids”. I can’t describe how much I love that clip. I can’t even describe how rare it is for me to want to swap places with a 6 ft fat chick but I would swap lots of things (except my cat) to be as funny as Miranda. I really really really really really (and I don’t care how many times my tutor would kill me for repeating words) wanted to find a video clip of Miranda doing the galloping thing but I COULDN’T FUCKING FIND ONE and I only wanted to blog so I could use that video clip and so I wasn’t going to blog at all but then remembered the stupid Janathon rules (who started this stupid Janathon thing anyway? Oh, yes, it was me. Meh, stupid me) and so I had to blog.

I think that’s the end.

Janathon day 1.

Yay, go me.

Oh, hang on. I did my run, then rescued the champagne from the fridge.

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Distance: round the garden
Time: not very long really
Pace: um…
Janathons done: 1/1


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