Juneathon 2009 Day 8 – The Bends
I know this is supposed to be a jog blog and not a bike blog but I’m scared of running on the roads here but getting less scared of cycling on them and so I went out for a ride today and decided to go and see the cows.
I get round the corner and I see a squirrel and that’s the first time I’ve seen a squirrel here, as I’ve seen bunnies, sheep, horses and cows but no squirrels and I’m trying to remember the route that avoids the bad road with the bends that I hurt my ankle on and a bit further on, someone’s dumped a sofa
and I think aah, it’s just like home and I get to where I think I’m supposed to turn off but then I think what if avoiding the bad road means I miss the cows? and missing the cows is unthinkable so I carry on going and I get to the bend where I fell over and hurt my ankle and just before the next bend are brown cows. Hooray.
And black and white ones
and I get round the corner and there are even more cows
and I stop looking at cows and head off home and I get to the main road and I think if I carry on straight, I can avoid going up the hill and so I carry on and there’s temporary lights in the road saying wait while the light’s on red and it is on red and I wonder if I have to stop or shall I ignore it like a proper cyclist but the decision’s taken for me as the light changes to green and I don’t get to behave like a proper cyclist and I turn off into the countryside bit and I see another squirrel and I think squirrels are like buses and then I think actually, they’re nothing like buses at all and I get home without cycling on the pavement once. Go me.
Stats (cycling)
Distance: 5.2 miles
Time: 36:20
Speed: 8.6mph
Calories: 148
Dumped sofas: 1
Squirrels: 2
Squirrels like buses: 0
Cows: a few
Weight: 9 st 5
Juneathon’s completed: 8/30
p.s. Don’t forget to enter my competition to win a copy of the Crisis Cook Book