Jogblog is back!

Yay, I went for a run limp around the park today, go me! Managed a grand total of 13 minutes which I thought wasn’t too bad, thought I’d only manage about 5.

Shared the park with a man and his dog. The dog was much cuter than the man. Little doggy started trotting along next to me which was quite appropriate as Iggy had just started singing I Wanna Be Your Dog 🙂

Saw three magpies which is a lot better than just seeing one of them which means impending doom or something. Although three means I’m going to have a boy which doesn’t really appeal, think I might prefer the impending doom.

Miles: 1.13
Total time: 13:11
Average pace: 11:37
Average speed: 5.2mph
Max speed: 6.2mph
Total calories: 79
Weather: 69F Rain
Music: Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop, Morcheeba, Ween, The Kooks


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