London transport shall not stop me
It’s the morning of the 10k and just as well I checked the underground situation. I already knew that the overground wasn’t running (grr) so I checked the Victoria Line and what do you know? Yep, planned f*****g engineering works, so now I’ve got to get the peasant wagon to the Central Line. Ho hum. Anyway, just thought I’d have a little rant before I go on my way. Hopefully I’ll get there on time and not get lost.
Speaking of getting lost, once again I dreamt that I got lost and ended up in a car park. That’s the second time in a row before a race I’ve dreamt that. It was a different car park though. Any dream analysers out there? I can understand the getting lost bit but why do I end up in a car park? I can’t even drive.
Will update later after my pizza which apparently I’m having for lunch. I’ve been told I am so I’d better do as I’m told. Shame.
Local overground trains running: 0
Local tube lines running: 0
Dreams about getting lost and ending up in a car park: 1
Yes, you’re getting in better shape. My watch used to have me burning 100 calories an hour. Now it’s down to 85. Doesn’t seem fair, does it?
So where’s the race report? Your legion of loyal fans is dying to know how it went.
Aah, that’s not fair at all! But how does it know I’m in better shape?
Race report coming right up 🙂