Three quarters of a running commute

Due to having plans to go out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I bunk off the SAS in favour of a running commute so I can get home early and do exciting stuff like wash my hair and do my washing and I get to work knackered due to me having had too much sleep after sleeping solidly for 10 hours instead of 10 minutes for a change and I don’t get to go out at lunchtime as I have to go to a meeting and I think what the fuck? how nice of them to arrange that when I want to go out for a walk so I can loosen up a bit before my running commute and by the time I get to go home I’m stiff after having been sitting down for eight hours and as I start to run my shins hurt and I think ouch and then my knee starts hurting and I think oh shit that doesn’t feel right at all and I think I’m going to have to get on the train at Hackney Downs but I decide to continue but when I get to four miles my knee is hurting so much and I force myself to stop and to walk the last two miles home and I’m hoping my knee isn’t properly injured and when I get home there’s a man outside my house on the street and there’s another man talking to the  man next door and I’m hoping they’re not Jehovah’s Witnesses or something as I won’t be able to pretend I’m not in due to them having just seen me go in my house unless they’re blind which they’re probably not and when I go through my front door there’s a leaflet advertising a gospel concert and a second later I hear someone come through my gate and I think oh shit, I don’t want to talk to them, I want my dinner and then my doorbell rings and I think what’s more important, being polite to Christians or getting my dinner? so I go to put the oven on and have spicy bean lasagne, yay.

Distance: 6.01 miles
Time: 1:16:56
Pace: 12:47 m/m
Calories: 522
Knees hurting: 1
Christians ignored: 2


  • I would definitely have done the same thing which has to beat opening the door and being hugely confrontational with them because they are dragging me away from spicy bean lasagne!

    Hope the knee is right as rain by tomorrow.

  • Hope the knee gets better young lady – must be sympathy pains for my crusty ankle, Or maybe it was God pre-paying you back for ignoring the minions sent to ‘save’ you 😉

    Ps looks like the art thing should be on, they are just trying to find a new venue. I’ll let you know when and where as soon as I find out. See ya.

  • I didn’t open the door to a JW the other day, although I wouldn’t have had to be confrontational with the guy because he’s been round before and just given me something to read – which my committed Christian friend told me to stay away from as I may get brainwashed!

  • I wouldn’t have been confrontational but my knee was hurting and I was hungry and I didn’t fancy spending 20 minutes nodding and smiling politely.

  • I hope you knee is doing better,and I don’t blame you for not answering the door.

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